JEE Main Online (Computer-Based) Test - Advantages and FAQs

JEE Main Online Test is a Computer Based Exam which is conducted using the internet (LAN) to make it safe, secure and un-interrupted. In JEE Main Computer Based Examination, the questions appear on the computer screen along with the options. There will be four or more options for each question. The candidate has to click one of the options using a computer mouse which can be reviewed or reanswered any time during the duration of the examination.
Online examination option is available for only Paper-1 (B.E./ B.Tech) of JEE Main.
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Advantages of JEE Main Online Test
- The candidate can review or re-answer any question at any point of time during the examination.
- The candidate can change the option of the answer during the exam and it is one of the most important features of computer based examination.
- The candidate also has the option to mark any answer for review at a later stage during the examination.
- There will be a panel on the computer screen showing all the question numbers in different colours indicating the questions answered, left un-answered or marked for review.
- It will make candidates feel confident about the use of technology.
How to apply for the JEE Main Online Test?
Candidates can apply through the NTA JEE Main website. [JEE Main Application Form and Information Bulletin]
What computer knowledge is required to appear for the JEE Main Online Test? Is it secure?
The candidate needs to know only how to use a computer mouse. That is at the most required. It is very secure with zero error possibility as human intervention is minimal.
How can I practice for the JEE Main online Test?
The Mock Test is available on NTA JEE website or you can join JEE Main Online Test Series.
What will happen in case there is some problem with the computer during the JEE Main online examination?
There will be enough buffer computers available at the examination centers to take care of such problems and the time lost in change of system will be duly compensated as each and every second will be recorded by the server. Also there will be qualified IT professionals to assist you with any problem.
Will there be a question booklet like in offline examination? How can I take the question paper at the end of the exam?
In the Computer Based Examination the questions will appear on the computer screen along with the answer options. Instruction page will also be displayed before the actual test begins. The time of reading instructions will not be part of the examination duration. The question paper along with the options marked will be available on the website after the exam schedule is over.
In the JEE Main online test, will a candidate get sheets for rough work/ calculations?
Yes, the rough sheets will be provided to the candidates.
Do you have any other query or questions about the JEE Main computer-based exam? Please fill the below form and send it to us.
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JEE Main Online Test Series
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