How to Score Good Marks in JEE Advanced? Study Tips From an IITian

By | Last updated on May 24th, 2023

JEE Advanced study tips.

JEE Advanced exam is conducted for admission in IITs. Many students are not aware of how to prepare for JEE Advanced. In this post, I will share with you the study tips to score good marks in JEE Advanced exam.

This is a guest post by an IITian (Abhay Singh, IIT Guwahati).

How to Score Good Marks in JEE Advanced?

Study tips to score good marks in JEE Advanced :

1. Have a balanced routine and timetable regarding studying all the subjects

JEE comprises three subjects – Math, Physics, Chemistry; and only when you focus on studying seriously all the three, then only can you expect to score good marks in the JEE Advanced exam.

2. Read and understand the theory related to each and every topic

Read and understand the theory related to each and every topic and for no reason at all skip any topic however difficult or easy it may seem to you. The reason is that if you see previous year papers of IIT JEE then you will notice that the trend is that the exam setters are focusing on asking questions related to such topics and concepts which many skip or ignore and so to avoid such situations be thorough with the entire syllabus.

3. Limit social media use if you are serious about scoring good marks in JEE

If you are serious about scoring good marks in JEE and getting a top college then limit your use of social media, be it Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram or Quora. A lot of time is wasted on these platforms and as a result you will be distracted, frustrated and depressed for some reason or other. This is an important point, so please focus on getting rid of all such unproductive things from your life for the sake of getting into an IIT.

4. Be regular and punctual in attending all your coaching classes

Be regular and punctual in attending all your coaching classes (online or offline) and try to maximize this opportunity to ask doubts and engage in discussions with the faculty and teachers and also your batch mates to resolve your doubts and queries. Get all your JEE doubts resolved whether pertaining to the subject matter, sheet problems or DPPs.

5. Revise the topics taught on a particular day on that day itself

Always revise the topics taught on a particular day on that day itself. It will do two things, first your understanding would be strong enough that you don’t forget about it sooner and second that it will avoid the chances of that topic getting added to the list of your backlogs which otherwise will haunt you throughout your preparations.

6. Don’t refer to too many books and study material

Don’t refer to too many books and study material for JEE. Stick to the one which is given by your coaching and complete it. You will find that it is hard even to complete the booklets and DPPs of your coaching only and the other material which you might be having would remain untouched for the better part of the year so there is no need in investing your money, time and efforts in accumulating material from any source which comes to your sight and disposal.

7. Prepare short notes of every chapter for quick revision

Prepare short notes of every chapter for quick revision that might help you later on during the exams or whenever you feel the need of revising and revisiting the past topics.

Revision is a very important and the most ignored aspect of the JEE preparation. Look at revision from this perspective that you have to learn, understand and then contain/remember all the topics of Physics, Chemistry, Math which you read in the two/three years and then implement them during 3 hours of JEE Main and 6 hours of JEE Advanced. It will require a lot of practice and revision to ensure a high level of excellence in remembering such enormous amounts of data and thus revision becomes the key to score good marks in JEE.

8. Don’t procrastinate and never feel depressed if you are unable to solve questions

Don’t procrastinate and never feel depressed if you are unable to solve JEE questions of a specific topic or a subject. It might happen frequently or rarely but whatever the case may be remember that each and every candidate who has prepared until this point of time for JEE has gone through this phase and even worse so try cheering yourself. Be your self motivator and once again put efforts and hard work to understand the theory and again solve the problems. If you follow this mantra consistently then automatically the performance and marks in coaching tests will improve.

9. Always give the coaching tests and AITS no matter the preparation level

Always give the coaching tests and AITS no matter the preparation level. It happens very often that students skip their tests and give reasons that they were under prepared and had not understood the topic well. There was not too much practice from their side and many such reasons and excuses, and they believe that by the time the next paper will be scheduled they would have worked on their shortcomings and weaknesses and ace the exam but let me tell you that it would not happen in 80% of the cases. No one is prepared fully, not even the topper of your batch, so stop giving excuses and start giving exams.

10. Start analysing your previous tests before giving the next one

The benefit of giving mocks and coaching tests can only be realized once you start analysing your previous tests before giving the next one. It is of utmost significance that you learn where you go wrong in your previous attempts and try to correct your wrongs whatever it might be. Some of them I have listed in the next point.

11. Find the reasons for scoring low marks in tests

The reasons for you scoring low in tests can be many but here are some of them. a) Not managing the time properly, b) Not understanding the essence of the question, c) Not segregating the easy, medium and difficult questions from the paper, d) Silly mistakes and Calculation errors, e) Lack of knowledge about the question, f) Finding the question too difficult when it was demanding some deeper analysis from your side and getting all puzzled up.

12. Know the right way of solving questions in paper

Follow some steps which might work out for you in the exam – First of all give the initial 5 minutes in searching the easiest questions from the paper and solve them first. It will serve as a huge confidence booster if you are able to solve most of those questions and would help you in solving the medium and otherwise tougher problems.

Try to revise your calculations before answering the options. If you still don’t feel 100% sure about that then “MARK IT FOR REVIEW LATER” and solve the rest of the paper instead of wasting your time on some problems.

Don’t give more than 5 minutes to any question in the starting minutes because as the time passes and you see that the number of your attempts are very low in the beginning then it would demoralize you and would affect your overall score. Read the question 2–3 times for better understanding and then initiate on solving it.

13. Give full length online practice tests after completing the syllabus

After completion of the entire syllabus, start giving full length online practice tests on a regular basis. These practice tests would ensure that you have been thorough with the problems from the complete JEE syllabus and would help in identifying your weaker areas which can hence be worked on with a lot more attention and perfection.

Once again after giving the mocks please analyse your mistakes and solve those problems which were a) wrong, b) unattempted, c) right but your approach/method was wrong. It’s not necessary that you are able to solve each and every problem that is presented before you. In fact more than 99% people can’t solve the full paper.

So try to solve maximum questions with caution and correct approach while you are giving mocks and practice sessions because the tricks might fail at the most crucial stages and so it is inadvisable to resort to shortcuts and tricks to solve the problems.

14. Be extra cautious while solving the questions with multiple answers

Be extra cautious while solving the multiple choice questions wherein multiple answers can be correct because one wrong answer would immediately lessen 2 marks from your total score in JEE. You can resort to the option elimination method as far as single choice objective problems are concerned but that approach might very often fail with regards to questions having multiple correct answers.

The integer type questions or to say the real valued problems (as the recent trend of JEE is for the past years) are relatively easier and one should focus on attempting these questions first as they take lesser time and the reward is also considerably high. These are so to speak the easy/medium level questions in the entire JEE Advanced paper and so make the correct choices.

15. Practice match it and comprehension/ paragraph based problems

Match it and comprehension/ paragraph based problems are the other two types which can be mastered with rigorous practice and here too the option elimination method can work out in some specific cases only, so a strong command on subject matter is essential to solve any problem related to any domain whatsoever.

Score good marks in JEE by learning from the top faculty (IITians) and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.

Abhay Singh

Related Post : Tips to Get a Good Rank in JEE


IIT JEE online coaching


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How to Score Good Marks in JEE Advanced? Study Tips From an IITian was last modified: May 24th, 2023 by Abhay Singh

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Abhay Singh

Abhay is pursuing Bachelor of Technology Biotechnology from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. He is passionate about writing and debating on various topics. His domain of discussion extends to Cricket, Politics, IIT JEE Preparation, Data Analysis, Game of thrones.