IIT JEE Success Formula – 5 Step Process to Get Success in JEE

By | Last updated on August 17th, 2022

IIT JEE success formula.

What is the success formula to crack IIT JEE? This is one of the frequently asked questions from engineering aspirants who like to study in top institutes like IITs and NITs.

IIT JEE Success Formula – 5 Step Process to Crack JEE

These are the five steps that will lead you to success in JEE.

  1. The BELIEF that you need to get better.
  2. The DESIRE to want to get better.
  3. The WILLINGNESS to take action to get better.
  4. The WISDOM to learn how to get better.
  5. The DISCIPLINE to follow through and BE GREAT.

The BELIEF that you need to get better

At the start or after a few initial months of JEE preparation, self-doubt creeps in many aspirants. Can I really do this? Other people are better, smarter, more worthy than me. Comparing yourself to others will make you feel as if you’re not really good at anything, which will sabotage your self-belief.

JEE preparation is a journey from beginner to expert. With each passing day, you are learning and practicing something, improving your concepts and problem solving skills.

It’s a tough competition out there. You need to keep getting better through hard work, consistency and discipline. You need to believe in yourself that you can do it.

The DESIRE to want to get better

To be successful in clearing JEE, you have to love what you do. The best thing that helps to focus on JEE preparation and not affected by unnecessary distractions is – your will power and ambition to clear the exam.

You need to believe that you can do it before you can actually achieve it. You should target to become the best. Your competition is not with other aspirants (in reality they are, but should not be in your mind). You have to surpass your own performance in tests.

The WILLINGNESS to take action to get better

Don’t over-plan and under-act! Momentum comes through actions, so do something that moves you forwards. Even reading a simple topic is significant. The more you do, the better you get. The better you get, the more you do.

Results come to those who “act” while others are discovering the “right” ways to generate results. Students often presume that in order to clear an exam like JEE, they need inspiration. Action is what forces inspiration.

Rightly said by Rakshit Tiwari (IIT Guwahati),

Don’t get confused with questions like “How to start?”, “From where should I begin?”, “When to study?”. Start with your favourite subject. It will give you confidence to prepare well for your target exam.

The WISDOM to learn how to get better

Wisdom comes from walking the walk, not just talking the talk. You must be self aware of the things. Where are you standing? How much effort do you need? You know best about yourself. Do you need a mentor to guide you? Do you need a good JEE teacher who can clear your doubts?

Identify your needs and fill the gaps. Do what it takes to perform to the best of your ability, with help from right resources and material. Make small realistic goals and try to achieve them one by one. Small achievable goals motivate and inspire us towards our larger goals. Each goal achieved builds confidence and makes the journey towards success enjoyable.

The DISCIPLINE to follow through and BE GREAT

Being positive is not enough. We have to back our thinking with hard work, follow through and determination.

Discipline is equivalent to consistency. Consistency leads to discipline and discipline brings consistency. Being a doer instead of just a thinker requires an insane amount of discipline and commitment.

That’s it. If you follow all the above steps, you will most likely get success in JEE.


IIT JEE online coaching


This post is inspired from David Geurin’s‏ edchat.


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IIT JEE Success Formula – 5 Step Process to Get Success in JEE was last modified: August 17th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.