Small Goals That Motivate You to Get a Good Rank in IIT JEE

By | Last updated on October 27th, 2021

Motivation to get a good rank in JEE.

Some of the goals you can set for motivation to get a good rank in JEE.

  • First of all, you should focus on the topic you liked the most. This is the best way to warm-up yourself. Then go for further topics.
  • In your tests, always set a target on how many marks you should get in it. But don’t set big targets that are not achievable. They would lead you to depression.
  • Set your goal keeping in mind your previous performances. You have to get an edge over your own scores.
  • Be precise, don’t engage yourself in solving an enormous set of questions based on a particular topic. Select a few of them and then solve them. It feels really good to see that you’ve completed another topic.
  • Analyse your score in a test.
  • Count the marks you lose due to silly mistakes, conceptual error, wrong interpretation of any question and other mistakes. After every test, compare it with the previous one. This will not only reduce your chance of committing a mistake but also it will motivate you as marks will increase.
  • At the end of the day, summarize what you learned today. Check if you can do much more than that.
  • If you keep on improving yourself you will definitely get motivated.
  • Realize yourself how close you have reached to your target.
  • You can listen to some motivating songs also. Trust me it gives much relief and motivation. Listen to them but not for more than 15 minutes.

I like the lyrics of the song “Besabriyaan” from the movie M.S. Dhoni (The untold story)

They are, “ Kyun roshni tu bahar talaashe, teri mashaale hain andar tere”.

It’s really inspiring.

Stop comparing yourself to others, opportunities differ from person to person.

Believe in yourself.

Complete all goals required to clear JEE under the guidance for best faculty and experts in JEE Online Courses.

Apoorv Agrawal
IIT Indore

Related Post : Tips to stay motivated for JEE


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Small Goals That Motivate You to Get a Good Rank in IIT JEE was last modified: October 27th, 2021 by Apoorv Agrawal

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