Engineering or Medical – Which is a Better Career Choice for a Student?

By | Last updated on December 3rd, 2022

Engineering vs Medical in India.

Choosing a career or the area of study is very important in a student’s life. Sometimes you can identify your interests and the decision of what to pursue becomes easier. Other times, your parents, elders or well wishers suggest you the right career path when not sure of what you want to become.

Medical vs Engineering in India

Here we are looking at the two most popular career fields – Engineering and Medical, not just in India but worldwide. Why should you choose engineering and when it’s a good career choice? Why would you choose medical and become a doctor? Which has more scope and which is more difficult? We will see all the answers in this post.

Engineering or Medical – Which is a Better Career Choice?

If you are the one who is confused whether to pursue engineering (IIT JEE) or medical (NEET), this post tries to help you in choosing a better career option.

First, let’s talk about Engineering.

Why to choose engineering?

  • More diverse opportunities. Engineering graduates work in IT, technical, management and many other domains.
  • Exposure to various technical subjects and skill sets. You will be able to develop skills that are transferable to most industries such as problem solving, decision making, innovation, project management, team working and communication.
  • Engineering is a creative profession. We are in a time of rapid social and technological changes, the need for engineers to think creatively is greater now than ever before.
  • Engineering is a lucrative career. Record high packages to IITians is one example. NITians and IIITians also receive handsome packages. Students need to clear the JEE exam to enter into these prestigious institutes.

When engineering is a good career choice for you

If you like to question, explore, invent, discover, and create, then engineering could be the ideal profession for you.

Many times we don’t choose a profession, the profession chooses us. Parents, siblings or cousins recommend you to take science stream. You have more interest in Math than Biology, hence start preparing for IIT JEE and other engineering entrance exams.

In any case, you can be a good engineer (a problem solver), whether the decision is yours or someone else’s. When you choose engineering (any branch), try to excel in it. The opportunities are endless if you focus on learning and acquiring skills.

Now, let’s talk about the profession which is considered as the most noble.

Why would you choose a medical career?

There is only one reason anyone should ever have for studying medicine, and that is that they want to be a doctor. Going into the medical field shouldn’t be about making lists of pros and cons, weighing one side against the other, and seeing how the scale tips. You’ll earn alright, in fact, probably it will make you rich. But the fun of going through it is priceless.

Medicine is intellectually exciting and quite fascinating. Plus, there is a low risk of unemployment in medicine.

“Human body represents such mind-boggling complexity, you’re never going to run out of questions about it – and because it is such a well-studied science, you’re also likely to find satisfying answers to most of your questions if you dig deep enough.”Sampsa Kallinen (MD).

Doctors get the best training. Medical school teaches you how to handle your own problems. Being a doctor, you know what’s actually going on with a sick member of your family. Being a doctor yourself saves you from being duped.

Medicine is a calling. It’s never just a job. You can never “take off your doctor hat”.

Signs that you are going to be a medical student/ doctor

You don’t see yourself doing anything else.  You love medicine, science, patient interaction, care, the challenges.  The emotional and psychological rewards of being able to help patients get better.

You don’t want to go into medicine to just make money.

Let me share an incident by Dr. David Chan,

Not long ago I ran into one of the young surgeons coming off a weekend on call, Friday night to Monday morning. She’s also a mother with 2 young kids.

Me: “How’d your weekend go?”

She with big smile: “Great! I was incredibly busy and spent the whole weekend in the hospital. I ended up doing 24 surgeries.”

Me: “Did you get to sleep?”

She: “I got catnaps here and there.”

Me: “Ugh, that’s terrible.”

She very cheerfully: “Not if you love doing surgery.”

There you go. If you love what you do, it shows.

Do you love what she is doing?

If yes, you are choosing the right career, Medicine is for you.

Engineering or Medical – Which has more scope?

Engineering and medical, both fields have a lot of scope and job opportunities. A medical degree is a sure guarantee of getting employed or earning on your own. Engineering is a lucrative career, you will learn multiple skills and can get campus placement if pursued from a good institute.

Medical or Engineering – Which is tough?

It depends. Engineering is conceptually more difficult and requires strong analytic and math skills. However, the volume of information in medical school is way more than undergraduate engineering. Medicine requires strong memorization and social skills.

Engineer and doctor both are best in their own field. Once you decide which one you want to pursue – engineering or medical, with the right kind of preparation and guidance, you can clear the respective target exam – JEE or NEET.

Related Post : JEE Vs NEET – Which is tough?

Preparing for JEE Main, Advanced and NEET has become easier due to online coaching where students can study for these exams at home through live classes from the best teachers.


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Engineering or Medical – Which is a Better Career Choice for a Student? was last modified: December 3rd, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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