3 Common Blunders JEE Aspirants Make During the Preparation

By | Last updated on November 6th, 2021

Blunders JEE aspirants make.

It’s never your brains alone that get you through JEE. It’s your preparation as well, and more importantly. If there are loopholes or blunders in your JEE preparation, that is certainly going to be a strong blow at the showtime.

3 Common Blunders JEE Aspirants Make During the Preparation

Some of the common blunders that JEE aspirants make are:

1. Poor time management

I am not saying delve into books for 24 hours, but you need to devote quite a major portion of your day towards JEE preparation. TV shows, social networking and lazing around like that are major time killers. You have to manage time as you manage money. Obviously short breaks of 30 minutes to 1 hour are fine but anything more than that is crime. Think of all those who are studying hard when you are whiling away your time just like that. Why do you think you deserve it?

2. Having fear of certain topics

Many students create a blockade in their minds about certain topics like Rotation or complex numbers or Stereochemistry, thinking them to be too difficult. As long as you aren’t confident about your concepts, you won’t be able to solve any question based on that in the JEE exam. Just start these so-called scaring topics from the basics, from level 0 and I know you will go through.

3. Not marking important questions

You just have one and half month left after your JEE Main for JEE Advanced. In such a small gap, you have to go through all your 80–90 topics that you have learned throughout the preparation, a Herculean task, unless you have marked all the important questions. Mark the questions that involve a new concept, a new idea or the ones that you were able to solve after a lot of brainstorming. And just revise those questions before any practice test.

Be honest to your work. Do not deviate from your goal.

Not only just work hard, but work hard in the right direction – do smart work.

Arushi Jain
JEE Advanced 2016 – AIR 1154
JEE Main 2016 – AIR 19
CBSE Boards 2016 – AIR 4 (98.8%)

Prepare for JEE without any blunders by learning from the best faculty and experts in JEE Online Courses.


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3 Common Blunders JEE Aspirants Make During the Preparation was last modified: November 6th, 2021 by Arushi Jain

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