How to Study Smart for IIT JEE Main and Advanced?

By | Last updated on March 30th, 2021

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You may have heard this from many people, “you have got to work smart not hard to crack JEE”. What does smart work mean in IIT JEE preparation?

Smart work doesn’t mean long study hours, from early morning to late night. It means to work more efficiently, more effectively, to reach your goal of clearing JEE.

How to Study Smart for IIT JEE Main and Advanced?

For studying smart in JEE Preparation, focus on the below points :

  1. Know what you want.
  2. Learn time management skills.
  3. Create a study schedule for yourself.
  4. Think different ways of solving problems.
  5. Know your strengths and work on weaker areas.
  6. Achieve small goals – improving scores, performance in class tests.
  7. Make class notes.
  8. Remain positive in critical situations.
  9. Stay in the company of people who motivates you.
  10. Ask for help when in problem – not understanding anything, having doubts, etc.

Know what you want

Smart students know what they want. They can prepare their JEE strategy and plan easily. Don’t just work hard, know what you’re working hard for. You will have to realise the value of what you’re doing, you will have to be very ambitious.

Learn time management skills

Smart students are very well aware that time is the most important factor in clearing JEE with good rank. They know how to manage time between studies and other tasks.

There are only a few hours throughout the day when you’re most alert. Study and learn maximum in that period. Eliminate most distractions from your schedule so that you can work productively. Never Procrastinate. Avoid multitasking.

Create a study schedule for yourself

Make a study schedule for JEE, a timetable, just a simple one. Starting your day the same way can motivate you to study consistently, even when you don’t feel like studying.

Divide time according to subjects. Give more time to those subjects which you don’t have interest in and try to create interest in those subjects. In your daily studies, set targets like what you want to complete each day.

Think different ways of solving problems

A question does not end with just getting the right answer. Instead, after getting the correct answer, you should think about how else you could have solved that problem.

You can also refer to the solution after solving the problem. You may find some other alternative approach to the problem.

You have to reach the solution in the fastest possible time. Learn to apply tricks in solving problems. Teachers in coaching will help you.

Know your strengths and work on weaker areas

Assess your strengths and weaknesses. On the exam day, pick up the questions based on your strengths. Don’t neglect your strengths as these will be crucial in fetching a good rank in JEE.

Learn concepts, practice and identify weaknesses, then practice weaknesses.

Focus on small goals

Smart students know that they have to start with the basics and small steps, and then they consistently follow their goals day by day. They don’t look for overnight success.

Test yourself. Learn from mistakes in tests. Have a growth mindset and keep improving yourself.

Make class notes

Smart students like to make notes to revise effectively before the tests and JEE exam. They know it takes time to make notes but aware of the value it provides.

If you are taking coaching for JEE (recommended), then your classroom notes are very useful. They will act as a reference to your proper well maintained notes.

Remain positive in critical situations

One very important part of smart work is to always have a positive attitude, no matter how difficult situations are. You can’t be a smart student with negative thinking. Have confidence and faith in your ability.

Stay in the company of smart and motivating people

Smart students are very careful in choosing who they spend time with. They want to hang out with people who are smarter than them and who are superior in some way; then they want to learn as much as possible from them.

Spend time with people who motivate you and who you can learn from. Stay away from people who are dragging you down.

Ask for help when in problem

When in problem, you need help from other people that are experts in preparing students for JEE. Smart students have no problem with asking for doubts. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, doubts and queries.

Are you already following the above tips?

Well done, you are doing smart work for JEE, not just hard work.

Give your best shot and work towards your JEE dream like there is no tomorrow. Be smart about setting your goals and planning how to achieve your goal. Make mistakes but be smart enough to learn from them.

Learn the best ways to study smart for JEE from the IIT faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.


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How to Study Smart for IIT JEE Main and Advanced? was last modified: March 30th, 2021 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.