How to Prepare for JEE Main and Boards Simultaneously? Balancing Boards and JEE

By | Last updated on May 15th, 2023

JEE Main with boards preparation.

Preparing for JEE Main and Boards simultaneously needs better time management from students. While JEE should be the priority, Boards can’t be neglected completely (minimum 75% marks required in class 12 for JEE).

In this post, Abhijeet Mahato (from IIT-Kharagpur) is sharing the tips to prepare for JEE and boards together.

How to Prepare for JEE Main and Boards Simultaneously?

Tips to prepare for the JEE and boards together :

  1. Don’t miss your school classes. Yes it appears really boring, but still, classes help you to learn many reasons and theories which are not stressed upon at coaching.
  2. Master the flexibility between writing long theoretical answers and short mentally calculated sums. This is helpful because Boards have a specific marking scheme for each and every step, you can’t just afford to lose them.
  3. Divide the time into 1:3 ratio initially and later before a month from your boards reverse the ratio to 3:1. By this time ratio, I mean the amount of time for Boards preparation to the amount of time for JEE preparation.
  4. Clear the doubts and concepts as early as possible. Don’t ever let them pile up because it’s always much easier to remove a stone than a pile of stone at once.
  5. Make notes of each and every chapter. It will be really helpful later on for boards and JEE.
  6. Remain healthy throughout the year. It will ensure that you absorb to the fullest capacity of your brain.
  7. Keep yourself motivated and fresh. Don’t see those geeky people who solve problems within the blink of an eye, be yourself and you know that you have put in efforts and it will pay you back.

Balancing Boards and JEE Preparation

There is a slight difference in the question pattern of JEE and Boards. On one hand, the Board focuses on knowledge while on the other hand, JEE basically focuses on the application of knowledge. So firstly you have to acquire the knowledge with clear concepts, this will take care of your Board exams. Then JEE requires practice and fast problem solving using various tricks.

How are the JEE questions different from the Board exams?

Here are the key differences between JEE and Board questions :

  • JEE questions (with an exception to numerical type questions) are objective types where you have to select the right answer from multiple choices. All the calculation you have to do for finding the answer is rough. Whereas, Board questions are both objective type and subjective type (you have to write all the steps that lead to the answer).
  • JEE questions are asked from class 11 and 12 syllabus whereas Board questions are asked only from class 12.
  • While you can answer questions in Boards by just learning a few formulas, JEE questions require you to have a very good insight into the concepts involved.
  • In Board exams, many questions are either the same or very similar to the questions from previous years. For JEE, while some of the questions might be similar to previous years, hardly any question is repeated. You need to really understand the concept very well even for the questions which are similar.
  • In Boards, there is a scope of step marking and no negative marking in case of guesswork, but for JEE, you will lose marks for each wrong answer.

Prepare for JEE and Boards simultaneously by learning from the best faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.

Abhijeet Mahato


IIT JEE online coaching


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How to Prepare for JEE Main and Boards Simultaneously? Balancing Boards and JEE was last modified: May 15th, 2023 by Abhijeet Mahato

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