How to Solve JEE Mains/ NEET Questions Faster? Tricks and Shortcuts

By | Last updated on September 5th, 2023

Solve questions faster in JEE NEET

How to solve questions quickly in JEE and NEET? Are there any shortcuts or tricks to solve JEE Mains/ NEET questions faster? These are some of the questions asked by JEE/ NEET aspirants.

Speed is an important factor to clear exams like IIT JEE and NEET. Keeping an eye on accuracy, aspirants need to learn how to solve questions faster in JEE and NEET. This comes with a lot of practice.

How to Solve JEE Mains/ NEET Questions Faster?

Tips and tricks to solve questions faster in JEE and NEET :

  1. Read theory properly. Whenever you see a question you should know what topic the question is from and the concepts you can use to solve that question.
  2. Remember all the formulas of Physics, Chemistry, Math. If you take time to recall the formula, you will lose the time.
  3. Decide quickly whether you can answer the question or not. Skip the question fast if you have no clue about how to solve it. Do not let that question eat up your time.
  4. Give a lot of mock tests to practice questions within the time limit of the examination. The more questions you solve, the better will be the speed for JEE/ NEET.
  5. Get hints from questions and options, which topic or concept is asked. Because JEE and NEET will have questions from almost all chapters of the syllabus.
  6. Try to solve options. (Be careful, it’s a risky way. You may end up answering an easy question in a wrong way.) But, it may be useful at times.
  7. Think of another method or approach to solve the question. It may be a shortcut which might be valid only for that particular question (due to some special symmetry). Such tricks will solve your question in 1 minute instead of 4–5 minutes.

One such question (related to point 4) was asked in JEE main 2016. It had a straight line graph between Pressure and volume of a gas. We had to find the maximum temperature of an ideal gas during undergoing this process. The usual method is to find T as f(V) or f(P), then equating derivative of T =0.

Another approach (that I found out during the exam) is to think about PV=constant graphs at different temperatures, which will help you realise that the hyperbola shifts “upward” along line P=V as temperature increases.

faster approach to solving questions

So, the given PV line will touch the “highest” possible hyperbola at the midpoint of its intersections with x and y axes. Hence, the maximum temperature will occur at the midpoint for the given line. (By chance that line had slope = -1.)

solving questions faster in JEE

Learn exclusive tricks and shortcuts to solve JEE/ NEET questions faster from the top faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.

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How to Solve JEE Mains/ NEET Questions Faster? Tricks and Shortcuts was last modified: September 5th, 2023 by Ravishankar Joshi

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