What Qualities Should a JEE Aspirant Have? Skills Required to Crack IIT

By | Last updated on July 26th, 2022

Skills and qualities required to crack IIT JEE.

What qualities should a JEE aspirant have? What are the skills required to crack IIT?

In this post I will answer these questions.

Skills and Qualities Required From a JEE Aspirant to Crack IIT

Skills and qualities required to crack IIT JEE :

  • Ability to sit for 6 long hours.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Performance under pressure.
  • Question leaving ability, yes you don’t have to go for each and every question in the paper.
  • Application of your understanding.
  • Accuracy.
  • Application of logic (For eg. Some questions can be solved just by dimensional analysis).
  • Ability to Rule out options.
  • Ability to deliver what you know.

In the end what makes the difference in JEE is the amount of marks you score irrespective of what qualities they want to test.


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What Qualities Should a JEE Aspirant Have? Skills Required to Crack IIT was last modified: July 26th, 2022 by Ajinkya Gajbhiye

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