Getting Low Marks in JEE/ NEET Tests? 4 Tips to Bounce Back

By | Last updated on October 16th, 2020

Tips to bounce back from low scores.

I am a JEE aspirant and getting low scores in tests, what should I do?

I am constantly getting low marks in NEET test series, how to improve? 

How to increase my marks in JEE/ NEET mock tests?

These are the type of questions we often receive from JEE/ NEET aspirants.

Are you worried about low marks in your tests at coaching?  Are you scoring low in your mock tests? Don’t worry. It happens. The low marks in a test, or series of tests, doesn’t have to demotivate or affect your preparation. You can still clear JEE or NEET with good rank if you consider the below points and take action now.

How to Bounce Back from Low Marks in JEE/ NEET Tests?

Here are the 4 easy steps to bounce back from low marks in tests.

  1. Analyse your tests to learn from your mistakes.
  2. Talk to your teacher about your problems/ doubts/ weak areas.
  3. Be well prepared for the upcoming tests.
  4. Make a notebook containing your mistakes.

1. Analyze your tests to learn from your mistakes

Take a look at each test and assess if there’s anything you can do to improve your score. The purpose of the periodic tests in coaching is to make you realize your mistakes and not to repeat them in the upcoming tests.

Did you miss a crucial step that you forgot to remember? Could you solve any question for a better result? If you correct those mistakes, would you get the solution? Every step counts so figure out what you can do to maximize your score in the next test. It might be easier than you think.

Find your mistakes (they can be silly ones) and keep a note of them. Next time when you appear for a test, don’t repeat the same mistakes.

2. Talk to your teacher about your problems/ doubts/ weak areas

Teachers love students who are proactive and ask questions. Talk to them about the things you didn’t understand while solving the test. They will tell you whether you need to work on your concepts, the theory part, or need more practice to solve specific types of problems.

Have a voice in the classroom (or after the class when the teacher opens the session for questions). It never hurts to ask your doubts!

3. Be well prepared for the upcoming tests

Don’t think about the final paper (JEE or NEET exam), focus on doing better in the next test. It’s a gradual process of improvement till the final day of the exam. Make sure you are clear on what you need to do to really ace these upcoming tests to raise the score as much as possible.

Siddharth Chandan from IIT Guwahati say this,

“All you need is time management and a pattern of solving questions, for maximum score. These management of time and pattern can be only achieved by serious dedicated practice and questions solving.”

4. Make a notebook containing your mistakes

Make a notebook containing your silly mistakes, what went wrong, unnecessary calculations, time spent on solving the question, etc. Revise this notebook every time before any upcoming test.

If you’re overwhelmed by doubts for JEE/ NEET, this may be the perfect time to get help from experts. Our online tutors can help you improve your score and guide you in the right direction for the remaining preparation. Explore our JEE/NEET Online Courses.

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Getting Low Marks in JEE/ NEET Tests? 4 Tips to Bounce Back was last modified: October 16th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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