How to Check Whether Someone has the Caliber to Crack IIT JEE?

By | Last updated on December 3rd, 2020

Ability to crack IIT JEE.

Recently a parent asked me this – “How can I know whether my child has the caliber to crack IIT JEE.” My answer was – You can’t tell 100% unless the child tries it. The ability to crack JEE is not in the genes, IQ or intelligence. It’s a combination of many skills like hard work, consistency, planning, strategy, problem solving and ability to handle pressure.

How to check whether someone has the caliber to crack IIT JEE?

Here are some ways to check whether you have the caliber to crack IIT JEE.

  1. Do you like studying Math and Science?
  2. Can you do a task with complete concentration and focus?
  3. Have you done anything with your full effort?
  4. Can you do something continuously for a long period of time?
  5. Have you tried your best to achieve something?
  6. Are you comfortable asking things that you don’t know?
  7. Can you stay calm and patient in tough situations?

1. Do you like studying Math and Science?

IIT JEE is an exam which asks you questions from Math, Physics and Chemistry. So you have to love these subjects. It’s fine if you don’t like studying a subject at the start. The interest can be built with time through smart approach, examples and with the help of persuasive teachers.

2. Can you do a task with complete concentration and focus?

Forget about studies for a moment. Assuming you like playing games. For scoring high points or to reach the next level, you need to play with complete concentration and focus. Right? JEE preparation is no different, you just need to focus well while you are studying.

“But games are fun. Study is not.” I read your mind! Remember, what I said in the previous point – Interest. You can make studies fun and interesting.

3. Have you done anything with your full effort?

JEE preparation is a process of applying your effort in studies, understanding concepts and solving problems. If you can give your full effort in any other thing, then why can’t you study? Just try and give it all. You will see the results soon.

4. Can you do something continuously for a long period of time?

Many of you like watching TV. You can watch a movie or a show continuously without any break. Why? Because you enjoy it. You can do anything for long hours if you enjoy doing it. Start enjoying your studies and you are on track to crack JEE.

5. Have you tried your best to achieve something?

The feeling of achieving anything big is priceless. It can’t be compared with anything else. If you have not achieved something big in your life so far, don’t worry, it’s a matter of time only. Keep trying hard and you will be able to crack the toughest exam in the world.

6. Are you comfortable asking things that you don’t know?

A curious mind is destined to reach success. In reality, one can’t learn and understand everything on his/ her own. You need help from others. For JEE, the helping guide are the teachers who can resolve all your doubts in classes.

7. Can you stay calm and patient in tough situations?

Providing the two students who are equally prepared, remaining calm and composed is the quality that differentiates between the one who does well in the JEE exam and the one who doesn’t. Give regular tests in an exam-like environment to stay confident while solving the JEE paper.

Related Post : Top 30 Preparation Tips to Crack JEE


IIT JEE online coaching


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How to Check Whether Someone has the Caliber to Crack IIT JEE? was last modified: December 3rd, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.