30 Study Hacks and Tricks to Crack JEE Main and Advanced

By | Last updated on August 16th, 2023

Study hacks to crack JEE

IIT JEE is one of the toughest entrance exams in India. It’s important for JEE aspirants to follow a proper schedule, preparation tips (called study hacks by many), tricks and strategy in order to crack JEE. In this post, we will see some study hacks and tricks to crack JEE Mains and Advanced.

Study Hacks and Tricks to Crack JEE Main and Advanced

Study hacks and tricks to crack JEE Mains and Advanced :

  1. Follow a study routine to crack JEE. Make a timetable giving equal importance to all the subjects.
  2. Be consistent in your preparation. Daily studies and practice is the most important skill you need to crack JEE.
  3. Don’t get confused with questions like “How to start?” “From where should I begin?” “When to study?”. Start with your favourite subject. It will give you confidence to prepare well for JEE.
  4. Have a glance at the complete JEE syllabus. You need to learn topics, understand concepts and practice questions as per the syllabus. During the course of preparation, you should revisit syllabus from time-to-time and keep an eye on your progress and more importantly make sure that no topic is left out in any of the subjects.
  5. Make a balance between current studies and backlog (if you have). Be careful that you don’t stay behind in your current topics in the class in order to cover your backlogs.
  6. Refer to JEE study material over the reference books so that you can focus on JEE topics only.
  7. Don’t undermine the NCERT, especially for JEE Mains. Solved examples, exercises and summary is of great help.
  8. Study with full concentration whenever you study.
  9. Make problem solving a habit. Spend some time everyday solving problems. Only covering the theory will get you nowhere. JEE demands a lot of practice.
  10. Understand the concepts instead of memorizing everything (some exceptions to Chemistry).
  11. The sequence of learning is important. You should be aware of simple, basic concepts before knowing the complex ones.
  12. If you are not able to solve a question, read the theory again and again till you get the feel of the topic. Talk to your teachers and don’t give up easily.
  13. Improve your weaker areas by practicing more questions.
  14. Know the right way to practice the JEE problems. Focus on Concepts, Practice, Speed and Accuracy.
  15. Avoid using multiple books and material in your preparation. Quality matters more than quantity for JEE.
  16. Complete your homework and assignments on time and take them seriously.
  17. Make sure you achieve your daily or weekly targets. Never procrastinate.
  18. It is important that your basics of almost all the topics are clear and that you can tackle easy or moderate level problems in those topics, because sometimes easier questions may come from the topics which you didn’t prepare that well.
  19. Clear your doubts quickly. If you don’t understand anything, ask the same question again and again from your teacher.
  20. Don’t get depressed due to low scores in tests. Analyse your performance in tests and learn from mistakes.
  21. Make a notebook of all your mistakes, revise it regularly.
  22. Do not let any question eat up your time. Skip the question as soon as you are nowhere close to the answer. Come back to these questions after you finish the whole paper once.
  23. Focus on time management and pattern of solving questions.
  24. Make notes which are easy to read for you.
  25. Keep revising what you are studying, every day, every week, every month. It takes a long time to learn something for the first time but it doesn’t take much time to revise it every now and then.
  26. Avoid silly mistakes, first in mock tests and then on the exam day.
  27. Stay determined. There will be times when you would find it difficult to understand and manage things. Do not give up.
  28. Don’t take extreme pressure. It will be good for you if you go with a positive mind to the exam. Remain calm and composed.
  29. Take your JEE dreams seriously. Most students don’t. Take them serious enough to become amazing and move beyond mediocre. Get JEE coaching and guidance.
  30. Be passionate about achieving your goal. Imagine all the accolades and respect you’ll get after cracking JEE with a top rank.

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Related Post : Tips to Crack JEE in First Attempt


IIT JEE online coaching


30 Study Hacks and Tricks to Crack JEE Main and Advanced was last modified: August 16th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.