IIT JEE Success Story : Yuvraj Singh (JEE Advanced AIR 5090, JEE Main Rank 4865)

By | Last updated on December 29th, 2023

IIT JEE success story

Under the JEE success stories, this is a post by Yuvraj Singh who got AIR 5090 in JEE Advanced 2023 and 4865 rank (99.588 Percentile) in JEE Main 2023.

IIT JEE Success Story

I got 5090 rank in JEE Advanced 2023. Overall I am satisfied because I am still getting one of the top 7 IITs. JEE Advanced paper was not that difficult. There were a lot of scoring questions if one were to carefully analyse. The very risky questions (more than ones) were quite low (I personally avoided them as much as possible).

I would like to point out that the apparent drop in my score in JEE Advanced paper 2 was because I was dehydrated, tired and sweating. As a result I made more silly mistakes in JEE paper 2 than I normally would.

Yuvraj Singh AIR 5090 JEE Advanced

After calculating my score I was disappointed but seeing marks vs rank I realised I couldn’t have got any circuital branch in top 7 IITs had I even got a score as per my expectations. I am not gonna complain about the branch I am getting, I’ll manage it somehow, getting into IIT matters to me!

My family and my teachers are extremely happy. I am really glad that my 3 years of IIT JEE preparation journey ended with me getting my dream college. I learnt a lot of life lessons during this period. I figured out so many things on my own and I feel confident about my future.

Thank God it ended well. All my hard work paid off.

Yuvraj Singh
JEE Advanced AIR 5090
JEE Main Rank 4865

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IIT JEE Success Story : Yuvraj Singh (JEE Advanced AIR 5090, JEE Main Rank 4865) was last modified: December 29th, 2023 by Yuvraj Singh

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