How to Make Physics Formula Sheet for NEET? Download Formula Copy

By | Last updated on August 10th, 2023

Physics formula sheet

The Physics formula sheet for NEET contains all the formulas of Physics summarized at one place. The formula sheet or copy helps you to revise Physics formulas quickly for the better preparation of NEET.

This is a guest post by Rupali Yadav (MBBS student).

I would like to suggest some of the points which helped me to make the Physics formula copy for NEET and I’m quite sure that it will help you too, to make your own formula sheet.

How to Make Physics Formula Sheet for NEET?

Here are some tips to make a formula copy for Physics.

  • To make a formula copy, you need not to take some bulky register or spiral one. Just take a good quality page slim register (as they are very handy, you can keep them always with you).
  • Use multiple coloured pens, so that you can enjoy learning and your mind doesn’t get bored.
  • Write all the formulas you come across while reading the chapter. You may write the result of some derivation which you might find hard to remember.
  • Add some important theory also, but in short .
  • You must leave some pages after every chapter formula notes, so that you may add some other points and some questions too, which you aren’t able to solve at the first instance.
  • Try to sum up a chapter in hardly 3 or 4 pages.
  • Make sure that you have written all the important points, and that too in a proper manner. For that you can even fold the page or draw a line between so that you make maximum use of a single page ( as I used to do😅).
  • Do not procrastinate, try to make or update your formula copy as soon as the chapter is completed.

Physics Formula Copy for NEET

Here are some of the images of my formula copy of Physics. You may download, take help from them and make your own formula sheet for NEET Physics.

Formula copy (short notes) for Moving Charges And Magnetism

Physics formula moving charges

NEET physics formula magnetic field

NEET physics formulas

NEET physics formulas magnetic force

NEET physics formula electromagnetic force

NEET physics formula

NEET physics formulas magnetic momentum

Even though Unit and Measurement is the easiest chapter, you should not ignore them.

NEET physics formulas unit measurement

NEET physics formula significant figures

NEET physics formula copy

You can take ideas from others on how to make formula sheet for NEET Physics, but never try to copy them exactly.

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How to Make Physics Formula Sheet for NEET? Download Formula Copy was last modified: August 10th, 2023 by Rupali Yadav

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