How to Clear Backlogs in IIT JEE Preparation? Tips from an IITian

Last updated on July 7, 2023 by Rakshit Tiwari

Clear backlog for JEE

Clearing a backlog in JEE preparation is an art and one needs to master it if you are eyeing a seat in an IIT or any other good college. In this post, we will see some key points on which you can work to cover your backlog for JEE.

This is a guest post by Rakshit Tiwari (IIT Guwahati).

What is backlog in JEE?

Backlog is an accumulation of uncompleted work needing to be dealt with. A large number of things that you should have done before and must do now. In JEE, backlog is a list of all the topics and chapters which you didn’t study when it was required.

How to Clear Backlog in IIT JEE Preparation?

Here are some ways to clear backlog during JEE preparation :

1. Be with the class from now on.

Never lag behind from now on. I mean to say that if electrostatics is going on in Physics class and you are stuck with previous work of Thermodynamics, then you are in trouble. You already have a lot of backlog, it’s better not to increase it now.

2. Follow the divide and conquer strategy.

Divide your days perfectly. Devote 2–3 hours each day to complete your backlog for JEE. Rest of the time should be exclusively reserved for present topics and homework.

3. Don’t be in a hurry now.

Don’t think that you can complete your “huge” backlog within a month. It will take time but if you keep believing and following things properly, the JEE backlog will get cleared sooner.

4. Take up one chapter at a time.

Don’t juggle around here and there. Don’t get confused with questions like “How to start?” “Where should I begin?”. Start with your favourite subject. If you love Math the most, then take up the easiest chapter left and start solving it. Take your time but solve the material honestly.

I am saying to start off with the easiest and favourite topic because this will give you confidence and once you become confident, you can do anything or probably most of the things.

5. Present is majority, past is minority.

Your major time each day should be spent on solving what’s going on in class. It’s not that you will spend your whole day trying to clear previous work. This will lead to nothing because once this backlog gets cleared, you will have a new one and trust me if JEE journey becomes a backlog cycle, then you are in big big trouble.

6. Make the best use of holidays to cover your backlog.

Try to make the best use of holidays to clear your backlog, like the ones you will get after a big test in coaching/ Diwali Holidays/ 2 months gap that you get when class 11th is over and 12th is about to start.

7. Don’t panic and learn from your mistakes.

There is no point in taking stress now. You have made a mistake but the good thing about all this is that you know you have made a mistake and want to correct it. Be calm, be patient. Everything will be fine.

8. Be punctual.

Grenville Kleiser once said “If you practice patience, punctuality, sincerity and care, you will have a better appreciation of the world.” If you sincerely follow your schedule, you will have the best probability to clear the JEE backlog within time.

Clearing JEE Backlog in Last Few Months

If you have less time remaining for the JEE exam, you will find it difficult to get your backlog completely cleared. So there is one thing which you can do. It’s not a complete solution but it’s surely better than nothing.

No need to clear the whole backlog. Just take good questions from all chapters that are left. Most of the people first solve their JEE coaching modules, then move to past year JEE questions and then other books. This is not the right order to follow when it comes to backlog removal in the last few months. There, you should follow this law,

Past year questions >> Coaching practice problems from sheets >> Coaching modules >> Other books.

Follow this way to ensure that even if you are not able to get your complete work done, you should at least have all basic concepts of those chapters cleared.

Hope these points can help you out in clearing your backlog for JEE.

Rakshit Tiwari
IIT Guwahati

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