Which is Tougher, KVPY or IIT JEE (Main and Advanced)?

By | Last updated on July 27th, 2022

Which is Tougher, KVPY or IIT JEE?

A very common question asked by JEE and KVPY aspirants is :

Which is tougher, KVPY or IIT JEE?

The answer depends on which JEE (Main or Advanced) you’re talking about. I personally have appeared in all the exams – JEE Main, JEE Advanced and KVPY. And from the knowledge of the exam point of view, I think I am familiar with the pattern and the difficulty of the papers.

Is KVPY tougher than JEE Main?

Well, I would say KVPY is on a higher reach meaning a bit more difficult than JEE Main because –

  1. It is held in November, For SA we don’t complete our courses by November because Class XI session starts in June mainly (Some exceptions of course). So that is a factor.
  2. For SX, I would definitely say the paper is more difficult than JEE Main. The questions are a bit tricky.

Is KVPY tougher than JEE Advanced?

Now compared to JEE Advanced, I’d say JEE Advanced is more tough than KVPY in every aspect. Be it the length of the paper or the structure of questions or the application of concepts.

About Me: I was selected for admission to IISc UG programme but decided to withdraw for my own reasons. I cleared JEE Advanced too. Now pursuing B.Tech in IITK.


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Which is Tougher, KVPY or IIT JEE (Main and Advanced)? was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Debashish Reang

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About Debashish Reang

Debashish Reang, undergraduate at IIT Kanpur is a Physics CSE and EE enthusiast. He believes that the power of the youth is the greatest power on the earth above the earth and beneath it. They can change anything they want. His mission is to bring out those millions and channelise their energy in right direction.