How to Avoid Distractions in JEE/ NEET Preparation?

By | Last updated on June 12th, 2023

Avoid distraction during JEE/ NEET preparation.

The distractions in JEE/ NEET preparation come due to lack of passion, interest and determination. To crack IIT-JEE and NEET, you have to completely focus on your preparation and get rid of any distraction that affects your studies.

How to Avoid Distractions in JEE/ NEET Preparation?

One of the key advice from the students who clear JEE and NEET exams is to avoid all distractions and complete your homework-assignments on time. Any backlog is going to hurt you later.

7 Best Ways to Avoid Distractions in JEE/ NEET Preparation :

  1. Have a study plan and execute it.
  2. Find your perfect space to study for long hours.
  3. Develop good study habits to clear the exam.
  4. Be flexible about your study strategy and methods.
  5. Make adjustments in your study schedule as per requirement.
  6. Take short breaks to improve productivity in studies.
  7. Rethink about your goals and what you want to achieve.

1. Have a study plan and execute it

Make a study plan or timetable and try to follow it everyday. When you stick to a proper study schedule, there is less chance of distractions.

Rajeev Kumar (from IIT Madras) shared this – “If you identify, plan and chase the important activities (study, practice, homework) in your day; rest of the lesser important activities (TV, social, phone) will fall in place automatically; but if you fail to do so; then these lesser important tasks fill your day and don’t let you focus on better things.”

2. Find your perfect space to study for long hours

You need a good setup to study well. You need an environment which is calm and free from outside noises. Once you start studying at the same comfortable space everyday, you will feel “it’s my zone”. That’s how you can study for long hours for JEE/ NEET without any disturbance.

3. Develop good study habits to avoid distractions

Procrastination is a lazy habit, you don’t need this in JEE/NEET preparation. Finishing homework and achieving targets on time is a habit which helps in clearing the exam. Making notes is a good habit. Solving problems is a good habit. All this requires consistency and self-motivation.

4. Be flexible about your study strategy and methods

Sometimes you lose interest in studying because your methods may not be right. You have to involve mentally, completely, into your preparation. For that your methods can change, the one that prevents any distractions in advance.

5. Make adjustments in your study schedule as per requirement

You have to focus on all 3 subjects – PCM or PCB. Ideally your time table should cover all subjects but sometimes when your mind says it’s enough of studying a subject for the day, it’s okay to move on to another subject. The adjustment is fine as long as you are finishing your daily work and target.

6. Take short breaks to improve productivity in studies

You don’t need continuous 3-4 hours of study at stretch. As a matter of fact, a short break after 60-90 mins of study will boost your productivity. Your brain also needs refreshment to work well.

7. Rethink about your goals and what you want to achieve

If you badly want something, your aim is clear to achieve it. You’ll have plenty of time later to spend your time enjoying things you miss out during the preparation.

Finally, be ready to ask for help and guidance. Our experienced and qualified online tutors are available to clear all your doubts related to JEE/ NEET preparation. Register for a free online session now.


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How to Avoid Distractions in JEE/ NEET Preparation? was last modified: June 12th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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