How to Stop Procrastinating for IIT JEE / NEET Preparation?

By | Last updated on June 2nd, 2023

Stop Procrastinating for JEE/ NEET.

What is Procrastination?

You’re trying to understand a concept, unable to do so, and you stop studying. You are thinking, “there is lots of time remaining, I can do it later”.

You are in class 11 and targeting IIT JEE or NEET. You feel you have plenty of time left to prepare for the entrance test and leave out topics from class 11 syllabus.

This is procrastination. Many students procrastinate. They often get forced behind in their preparation. The backlogs keep on rising and JEE/ NEET preparation gets hampered due to this wasted time.

How to Stop Procrastinating for IIT JEE / NEET Preparation?

Here are some tips to stop procrastinating and start studying for JEE/ NEET.

1. Do it now, don’t wait for the right moment to start studying.

Students often presume that in order to start preparing for JEE or NEET, they need inspiration, the right moment. Action is what forces inspiration. The importance of doing more : The more you do, the better you get. The better you get, the more you do. It’s a cycle.

2. Take a break when not able to learn a topic after many attempts.

When you try and fail to learn a topic or concept, the energy required from you is high to continue, then it’s harder to concentrate on studies. Do something else for 10-15 minutes. Come back to the topic/ concept and look into it from a different angle. You may be able to grasp it now.

Getting stuck is fine. Staying stuck isn’t. Do something.

3. Don’t lose the momentum in studies.

It’s important not to lose the momentum in JEE/ NEET preparation. You need to keep studying regardless of blockages like doubts or some external factor.

4. Take help from the teacher to resolve your issues.

If you are not understanding a topic or not able to solve a question, move on to another topic or question, or change the subject you are studying. The next day ask your doubts from the teacher. Come back to the question and solve it. You will feel happy to get it done this time.

5. Solve easier problems to get motivated for tougher problems.

If you’re stuck on a harder problem, start solving easier problems. When small problems get resolved, it gives you a feeling of being a winner and pushing you to do more!

6. Give yourself the option of energizing when feeling exhausted.

Sometimes getting out of an environment does wonders. Your brain will start to look at things differently. Give yourself the option to re-energize when you are getting frustrated with not knowing and understanding the topic or problem.

Why Students Procrastinate for JEE/ NEET?

The reason for procrastinating for JEE/ NEET may be a lack of motivation. It’s frustrating. And as time passes, the only thing that seems to change is the hour on the clock.

It’s okay sometimes to miss the daily study schedule, you can cover that during the week. But what’s not good is staring at your books, daydreaming, and doing nothing.

Stop procrastinating and clear your target exam.

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Image source : Vic


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How to Stop Procrastinating for IIT JEE / NEET Preparation? was last modified: June 2nd, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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