How to Crack the NEET Exam in Remaining Months? Study Tips & Tricks

By | Last updated on February 3rd, 2023

Tips to crack NEET in remaining months.

Questions asked by NEET aspirants in the last few months before the exam – “Is it possible to crack NEET in the remaining time? Can you give me some tips and tricks to crack the NEET-UG exam in remaining months?”

How to Crack the NEET Exam in Remaining Months?

Study tips and tricks to crack NEET in the remaining time :

  1. Read the text book for all the three subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology. All the theory questions are going to be asked only from the textbook.
  2. Be thorough with the diagrams and their labellings in Biology. Diagram questions are scoring in NEET.
  3. Practice problems from textbooks for Physics and Chemistry. They mostly involve thinking out of the box which is necessary.
  4. Follow a simple daily time table for NEET.
  5. Don’t force yourself into studying 16–17 hrs per day if it gets you exhausted.
  6. What all you study in the remaining time, study perfectly.
  7. Give weekly tests to analyze how you are going.
  8. Write down whatever you read if you think you are forgetting easily (which was my problem). It will take some time but at least you will be perfect with what you have read.
  9. Follow teacher’s notes. Read them frequently. They actually know what kind of questions are going to be asked in NEET.
  10. Eat properly. Sleep well (at-least 6 hrs a day). Don’t sacrifice them.

Wishing you all the best for your future.

Crack NEET exam in the remaining months by learning from the top faculty and experts : Online Crash Course for NEET


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How to Crack the NEET Exam in Remaining Months? Study Tips & Tricks was last modified: February 3rd, 2023 by Aishvarya

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