Tips to Practice JEE Advanced Online Mock Tests + FAQs

By | Last updated on July 27th, 2022

JEE Advanced online test tips.

JEE Advanced examination is conducted in online computer-based mode. In the JEE Advanced online exam, students give the examination at designated exam centres where they need to answer the questions on a computer instead of using pen and paper.

During JEE Advanced online test, the questions will appear on the computer screen along with the options. There will be four (or more) options for each question. The candidate has to click one of the options using a computer mouse which can be reviewed or re-answered any time during the duration of the examination.

JEE Advanced online exam will be very comfortable if you practice online mock tests well in advance. You will get a sample mock test on JEE Advanced website, but it would be better to practice online mock tests by IIT JEE online coaching providers like Mystudycart for better analysis and competition.

Tips to Practice JEE Advanced Online Mock Tests

  1. If you have not done yet, get comfortable with a computer (or laptop with a mouse). Your eyes should not feel any strain/burden during the examination.
  2. Make sure you have a distraction free study space where you can practice online mock tests for JEE Advanced.
  3. When the online mock test starts, Read the instructions carefully about how to answer questions, use of “mark for review”, moving to the next question, shuffling between sections and questions. The instructions in JEE Advanced online exam will be the same like in online mock tests. Reading them each time before attempting a test makes you aware of everything before the exam.
  4. When you are not 100% sure of the correct answer, you can mark the question for review and come back to it after finishing the other sections.
  5. There will be a timer in front of you (Time Left) during the test. Don’t get edgy and nervous seeing it, avoid thinking of it too much while solving the questions. Just make sure you devote sufficient time for each section as planned.
  6. Rough sheets i.e. “Scribble Pad” will be provided to you at your exam centre. Use it clearly for each question. In case you need to go back to a question for review, it will be handy.

If you have good practice of solving JEE Advanced papers on desktop/laptop at your home, there is nothing extra you need to do on the day of JEE Advanced online examination. You will feel more relaxed than those who have not practiced online tests.

FAQs About JEE Advanced Online Examination

What computer knowledge is required to appear for the JEE Advanced online test?

The knowledge of using a computer mouse and keyboard. That’s it. When you practice JEE Advanced online mock tests, you’ll be able to understand all the options on the computer screen. You just need to use your mouse for selecting the answer, navigating between questions, etc.

What if my computer stops working in the JEE Advanced online exam? Will I lose the time?

No. If your computer stops functioning, your time will be paused. Once it gets working with the help from the exam invigilator, you can start again from the time when it stopped.

How do I get the question paper after the JEE Advanced online exam?

The JEE Advanced question paper and your marked responses will be uploaded to the JEE Advanced website at a specified date, after the exam.

How many rough sheets are given in the JEE Advanced online exam?

You will be given a “Scribble Pad” (containing blank sheets, for rough work) at the start of each paper of JEE Advanced online exam. Generally it has enough rough sheets but you can always ask for extra if required. Candidates MUST submit their signed Scribble Pads at the end of each paper of the examination.

Is a pen allowed in JEE Advanced online exam?

You will be provided a pen at the exam centre. You will not be allowed to bring a pen from outside.

Do I need some type of training to perform well in the JEE Advanced online test?

JEE Advanced basic preparation strategy remains the same. Your first priority should be to continue with your schedule – studying, solving problems, revision, etc. Now along with solving practice tests through pen and paper, you can include online tests practice for JEE Advanced in your preparation.

Very Very Important : Make sure you practice online mock tests for JEE Advanced, as many as possible.

What will be the difficulty level of the JEE Advanced online test?

The change in examination mode does not necessarily change the difficulty level of JEE Advanced. It will still test your concepts and the problem solving ability. Anyway, JEE Advanced is very unpredictable. It likes to give minor surprises every year!

Finally, don’t take too much pressure because you have experience of only pen and paper based exams so far. With the right amount of practice, you will be completely ready and confident to face the JEE Advanced online test.


IIT JEE online coaching


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Tips to Practice JEE Advanced Online Mock Tests + FAQs was last modified: July 27th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.