How Can an Average Student Crack NEET Exam? Preparation Tips

By | Last updated on August 10th, 2023

Average student crack NEET

Before starting the NEET preparation, or during the preparation, many aspirants feel that they are average students, who are lagging behind others, and start doubting their capabilities to crack the NEET exam.

In this post, we will see some examples of average students who cracked NEET and tips for students who consider themselves average. But first let’s answer the main question.

Can an average student crack NEET?

Average student can crack NEET

An average student can crack NEET if he/ she gets proper guidance, works hard with dedication and follows a smart strategy and study plan. Clearing NEET can’t be measured on any scale of brain power. It is something that requires a lot of determination, discipline, interest in subjects, good theoretical knowledge and regular practice.

Is there any average student who cracked NEET?

There are many average students who crack NEET every year. Rishabh Dutta Roy was an average student who cracked NEET in his 4th Attempt.

Rahul Rao (MBBS, AIIMS) : “Yes there are. Not one but many average students cleared NEET (you can’t even count). Almost every student is more or less the same with few exceptions. We were the normal students who got selected for AIIMS or any other college. We don’t have anything special in us. Just believe in yourself and stop looking for examples rather work hard and become an example.”

Tips for an Average Student to Crack NEET

Preparation tips for an average student to crack NEET :

  1. Stop assuming yourself below anyone. Never consider yourself average as it will only lower down the will to achieve the goal.
  2. Have a positive mindset. Believe that you can improve through hard work and perseverance.
  3. Make a time table for NEET and follow it consistently.
  4. Avoid any kind of distraction, however tempting it might be.
  5. Understand the NEET syllabus, exam pattern and prepare accordingly.
  6. Give importance to all 3 subjects and set achievable study targets.
  7. Strengthen your concepts to gain confidence.
  8. Don’t cram concepts which need to be understood.
  9. Practice questions regularly. Make problem solving a habit.
  10. Focus on improving speed, accuracy, time management skills.
  11. Take help and guidance from teachers. Joining an online coaching for NEET will be helpful.
  12. Make class notes and review them each day after the class.
  13. If you have any questions or doubts, ask your teacher in the next class.
  14. Do all the homework and assignments on time.
  15. Give mock tests. Analyze, find your mistakes and rectify them.
  16. Don’t compare yourself with toppers and other students. Focus on improving your performance.
  17. Stay motivated by visualizing yourself as a doctor.

NEET Motivation for Average Students

Some inspiring words for NEET aspirants who consider themselves average.

“There are talented students and then there are the laborious ones. One does not have control over one’s innate talent, but one does have absolute control over one’s hard work. Even if you feel you’re not talented enough, no problem. Sheer practice and determination can take you a long way in acquiring that talent and beating those aspirants who are talented but don’t do their share of hard work.” – Sittun Swayam (IIT-Kharagpur).

“Competitive exams are not about brains and IQ but more about your hard work and dedication.” – Shweta Dube (NEET-UG 2018, AIR 289).

Note this down : You can do it. You can crack NEET.

NEET For Average Students – FAQs

Can an average student crack NEET in the remaining months?

An average “hardworking” student can crack NEET in the remaining time. Read NCERT properly, solve questions asked in previous years and give mock tests to improve speed, accuracy and time management.

How many marks can an average student get in NEET?

How much marks an average student can get in NEET depends on the amount of effort put into the preparation. An average student can score 650 marks in NEET. An average student can get admission in AIIMS.

How many hours should an average student study for NEET?

An average student can begin with 6-8 hours of study for NEET. During the start, you may take time to understand things but with regular practice you can improve your efficiency. Take small breaks during long study hours to avoid exhaustion.

Can an average student crack NEET without coaching?

It’s very difficult for an average student to crack NEET without coaching. Coaching will help you immensely, right from clarifying the concepts to problem solving tricks, suggesting ways of rectifying mistakes and improving your performance. Joining a NEET coaching gives you a great exposure to quality teaching, questions and the tests conducted on the basis of exam pattern.

Can an average student crack NEET in the first attempt?

An average student can crack NEET in the first attempt. Plan a schedule to manage NEET preparation with board exams. Study from NCERT textbooks, solve NEET level questions from coaching modules or reference books and practice mock tests.

Can a below average student crack NEET?

Anyone can crack NEET whether he is below average or above average. Study consistently with discipline. Enroll in a coaching, take help from teachers, understand concepts properly and practice questions regularly.

Prepare for NEET at your home by learning from the top faculty and experts in Mystudycart NEET Online Courses.

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Image Source : Marco Verch


How Can an Average Student Crack NEET Exam? Preparation Tips was last modified: August 10th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: NEET-UG

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.