How to Start Preparing for IIT JEE from Class 11?

By | Last updated on March 20th, 2024

JEE preparation class 11

Most of the students start preparing for JEE from class 11. In this post we will see how to study for IIT JEE from class 11 including the syllabus, books, study material and benefits of joining coaching in class 11 for JEE preparation. But first, let’s answer the basic question of JEE aspirants.

Can I Start Preparing for JEE from Class 11?

Yes, class 11 is the best time to start preparing for JEE. At the start of class 11, you have two years in hand to plan an effective strategy and schedule to complete the JEE syllabus in time. The syllabus of JEE Mains and Advanced covers the class 11 and 12 syllabus of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

How to Start JEE Preparation From Class 11?

Follow the below tips and points to start JEE preparation in class 11.

1. Have a look at the complete syllabus of JEE

The first thing to know when preparing for JEE is what you need to study. Have a quick look at the complete JEE syllabus of class 11 and 12 when you are starting JEE preparation. Don’t get scared seeing the vast syllabus of JEE. You have to study step by step, chapter by chapter. Two years is enough time to finish the JEE full syllabus.

The syllabus is almost the same for both JEE Mains and Advanced. It’s the questions level which is a bit higher in JEE Advanced. You don’t need to prepare separately for JEE Main and Advanced.

2. Get the books and study material for JEE

Decide whether you want to start studying from JEE preparation books or join a coaching where you will get study material for JEE which is more than enough to cover the syllabus. The coaching modules will have all the theory and questions as per the JEE level and pattern.

3. Fix your study hours by making a timetable for JEE

Following a specific JEE timetable from class 11 is recommended for JEE preparation. Starting your day the same way can motivate you to study consistently, even when you don’t feel like studying.

Number of hours to study for JEE in class 11 : A JEE aspirant should study for minimum 6-8 hours in class 11. If you are taking coaching, you should create your schedule giving sufficient time for self-study along with coaching classes. (Also check out this : Number of Study Hours Required to Crack JEE)

4. Understand the basic concepts well and practice questions regularly

JEE tests your basics. You should be aware of simple, basic concepts before knowing the complex ones. Be really thorough with the concepts.First understand the theory part and then practice problems. It’s the way to understand concepts in a better way. If you are not able to solve a question, read the theory again and again till you get the feel of the topic.

In the JEE exam, time management and pattern of solving questions is important. It can be only achieved by serious dedicated practice and questions solving.

5. Join a coaching for systematic and guided preparation

JEE coaching is recommended from class 11 by IITians and JEE experts. In coaching, you follow an organized schedule and classes under the guidance of teachers. You can ask all your doubts, queries, learning methods or anything that is getting you trouble. Do your homework and assignments on time and never procrastinate.

6. Stay determined,  consistent and never give up

You should be passionate and determined to clear the JEE exam. There will be times when you would find it difficult to understand and manage things. Do not give up at that time. If you haven’t had your target scores reached, keep going. Consistency is the most fundamental virtue to achieve what we want.

7. Take small breaks between long study hours

If you don’t take breaks from study, you’re more likely to get fatigued in the preparation. Take small breaks between long study hours to maintain the focus and concentration in studies. Breaks can be anything from going for a short walk, playing some game, or watching something you like.

8. Keep revising your learned topics

JEE preparation takes a lot of your time. You understand topics, solve problems and old concepts fade away from your mind. For efficient preparation, consistent revision is required. Always revise important points before sleeping. Keep writing notes along with your studies. You can include important points, shortcuts, formulas, reactions, mistakes, etc.

9. Focus on small goals to achieve big results

Take up one topic at a time and focus on accomplishing the goals related to the topic; once that is over, move to the next topic in the syllabus. Try to finish your weekly and monthly targets. When a test is coming, revise theory and solve problems from all the topics.

10. Measure your learning and performance

You need to give tests to check your learning, speed, accuracy and time management skills (coaching institutes have pre-scheduled tests). After solving a test, analyse it to find weakness and silly mistakes that you did in the test. Your goal should be to work on your weaker areas and not repeat the same mistakes in the next test. This way you can improve your score with each test you give during the preparation.

Confused About How to Start Studying for JEE in Class 11?

Don’t get confused with questions like “How to start JEE preparation in class 11?”, “From where should I begin?”, “When and what to study?” Start with your favorite subject. Study at your own time (before making a fixed schedule) to build interest. It will give you confidence to prepare for JEE in a systematic way.

Should I Join Coaching in Class 11 for JEE Preparation

Yes, you should join coaching in class 11 for JEE preparation. In class 11, the syllabus of Physics, Chemistry and Math takes a giant leap from earlier classes. Join coaching in class 11 to start learning JEE concepts and topics in a better way under the guidance of teachers.

Start preparing for JEE from class 11 by learning from the top faculty and experts at your home in Mystudycart 2 year online classroom course.

Related Pages :

15 Tips to Crack IIT JEE from Class 11 – From an IITian

Best IIT JEE Online Coaching for Class 11


IIT JEE online coaching


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How to Start Preparing for IIT JEE from Class 11? was last modified: March 20th, 2024 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.