Should I Join JEE Coaching in Class 11 to Clear IIT JEE Mains and Advanced?

By | Last updated on March 24th, 2023

Is it better to join JEE coaching in class 11?

This is a guest post from Saurav Tiwary (IIT Patna) where he will tell you about the importance of joining JEE coaching in class 11 to crack JEE Main and Advanced.

Should I join JEE coaching in class 11?

Yes, absolutely. It’s good to join a JEE coaching in class 11 to clear JEE Main and Advanced. When we enter class 11, there is a huge gap between the level of class 10 and class 11 which has to be filled. Students who join JEE coaching  in class 11 get good help from teachers and as a result it becomes easier for them to clear the JEE exam.

Importance of JEE Coaching in Class 11

  • JEE coaching in class 11 will help you achieve your full potential.
  • When we enter class 11th we don’t have any idea how to utilise our time in the right way with full efficiency. This is where JEE coaching is very helpful.
  • It’s easier to understand things if a teacher teaches you rather than by studying it yourself.
  • Once you enter 11, you are taught basic Math and Physics which is used throughout the next two years. The actual part comes when you enter class 12 and study integral calculus. But integral calculus is used in Physics of class 11 itself. So the coaching provides you with the basic knowledge of all this when you start 11th so that you can manage until you study it in Math.

So if you can join coaching in class 11 for JEE, then it would be great. If you are not able to join coaching, then you will have to work harder than others to achieve your goal to crack the JEE exam.

Get all the benefits of JEE coaching including live online classes and hard copy study material in Mystudycart JEE 2 Year Online Course.


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Should I Join JEE Coaching in Class 11 to Clear IIT JEE Mains and Advanced? was last modified: March 24th, 2023 by Saurav Tiwary

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