Fear of Maths in JEE? Learn How to Get Rid of Math Phobia for JEE

By | Last updated on June 18th, 2024

Fear of Math in JEE

As we know the questions in JEE Mathematics can be difficult to solve, many students develop a fear of Math in JEE preparation. To get rid of the Math phobia for JEE, you need to follow the right approach and strategy. In this article, Rajanish Kumar Upadhyay (from IIT Mandi) will share a 3-step approach to get rid of Math fear in JEE.

How to Get Rid of Math Phobia for JEE?

For your fear of Math in JEE preparation, I would recommend the following steps :

Step 1 : Theory (Work on the theory really well)

Understand what is the basic idea. What are we calculating? Why are we doing so? What is its significance? Where is it applied? Also which are the books that describe the theorems, lemmas, results and definitions very clearly? Once we have done this, we are on our way to the second step.

Step 2 : Observe (Always observe a master at work)

This master could be anyone. Your online tutor, your classroom teacher, your fellow seatmate, the class topper, the textbook or the practice book. Whenever there’s a problem being solved just keep the pen down and observe “what’s happening?”, “what’s the magic that I lack? ”, “what’s the basic idea?”, “what’s the algorithm?”. While doing this make a mind-map of the process to be followed while doing the same problem.

Step 3 : Practice (Practice is the key to master Math)

So once you know what to do, the most important bit is to do it yourself and note where you get stuck. What is that makes you scratch your head. “Was it a thinking inability?”, “Was it a step of the procedure you skipped?”, “Was the theory not clear?”. So pick up a good problems book for Math and start solving the problems. Ask your doubts to someone you believe can solve it as well as explain to you the way to do it. It will take time but eventually you will succeed.

Have Patience with Math

Note : Always remember, don’t expect too much too early. See the following figure :

Math learning curve

This is how you learn Math. The y-axis represents progress with x-axis representing time. So be patient with yourself. A working amount of memory is required to recall the formulas and methods in JEE Math. So don’t go in with the expectation that everything is just thought and understanding-oriented. You will have to remember a lot of stuff in the beginning. With time it will eject out as a reflex.

Don’t give up on yourself and your aim which should be to master Math for JEE 🙂

Get rid of your Math phobia and start loving Math problems by learning from the top faculty and experts in JEE Online Courses.

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Fear of Maths in JEE? Learn How to Get Rid of Math Phobia for JEE was last modified: June 18th, 2024 by Rajanish Kumar Upadhyay

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