How to Improve Maths for IIT JEE: Expert Tips and Strategies

By | Last updated on June 18th, 2024

How to Improve Maths for IIT JEE

Mathematics is a key subject for cracking the IIT JEE Main and Advanced exams. It requires concentration, skill, and analytical thinking. To excel in Maths for JEE, you need to enhance your aptitude and problem-solving abilities. Here are expert tips and strategies (contributed by Sannat Mengi from IIT Delhi) to help you improve your Maths for IIT JEE.

How to Improve Maths for IIT JEE?

Improving your Maths for IIT JEE involves a structured approach, consistent practice, and a positive mindset. Here are some effective tips to boost your Maths skills and aptitude for JEE:

1. Understand and Interpret Questions

When solving a Maths problem, carefully read and interpret the question. Identify the topic it pertains to and recall the key points related to that topic. This fundamental step is crucial for answering questions accurately.

2. Visualize the Problem

Mathematics is not just about solving equations; it often requires visualization skills. Practice drawing graphs and sketching curves to understand the problem better. Visual aids can help you grasp complex concepts and find solutions more effectively.

3. Learn Important Results and Theorems

Familiarize yourself with essential theorems and results. Memorize general results from significant subjective problems, as they are frequently used in objective questions. Having these at your fingertips will save time and improve accuracy.

4. Avoid the Wrong Path

If you find yourself struggling with a question and drifting toward an incorrect solution, it’s better to leave the question unattempted. This strategy helps prevent negative marking and allows you to focus on problems you can solve correctly.

5. Focus on Speed and Accuracy

In JEE Maths, both speed and accuracy are crucial. Regularly practice problems within a set time limit to increase your speed in Maths for JEE. Learn and practice shortcut methods for solving problems quickly without compromising accuracy. After solving problems, review your answers to ensure they are correct. Understanding your mistakes and learning from them is key to improving accuracy. Regularly revise formulas, theorems, and concepts to keep them fresh in your mind. This helps in reducing the time taken to recall them during the exam.

6. Practice Subjective Problems

Thoroughly practice subjective problems to deepen your understanding of concepts. This practice enhances your ability to tackle objective questions, as many concepts are directly applicable.

7. Stay Calm and Relaxed

Maintaining a calm and relaxed mindset is essential when solving Maths problems. Don’t get discouraged if you find a problem challenging. Approaching Maths with a positive attitude and confidence will significantly improve your performance.


Improving your Maths for IIT JEE requires a strategic approach, consistent practice, and a positive mindset. By understanding and interpreting questions, visualizing problems, learning key theorems, avoiding incorrect paths, practicing subjective problems, and staying calm, you can enhance your Maths skills and aptitude for JEE. Additionally, focusing on speed and accuracy will give you an edge in solving problems efficiently during the exam.

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How to Improve Maths for IIT JEE: Expert Tips and Strategies was last modified: June 18th, 2024 by Sannat Mengi

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Sannat Mengi

Sannat is currently pursuing Btech course from IIT Delhi. He loves to guide JEE aspirants and other students for optimum performance. He loves Science, though not completely following pure sciences subjects ; He loves watching movies and exploring new places too.