PCM, PCB, PCMB – Which Subjects to Choose in Class 11?

By | Last updated on May 3rd, 2024

PCM PCB PCMB in Class 11?
After class 10, students who are taking the science stream in class 11, have to make a key decision about what subjects to choose in class 11 – PCM, PCB or PCMB? What should I take – medical or non-medical stream? Which is better – PCM or PCB? In this article, we will try to answer these types of questions.

PCM, PCB, PCMB – Which One to Choose in Class 11?

Quick Answer : Take PCB if you want to study medicine after 12. Take PCM if you want to pursue engineering after 12. Take both (PCMB) if you are not sure what you want to study. If you like to do a course in basic science, then you can choose your subjects accordingly.

Let’s know everything about PCM, PCB and PCMB streams so that you will not have any confusion when choosing subjects in class 11 science.

PCM, PCB, PCMB – Full Form

PCM Full Form : Physics, Chemistry, Math.

PCB Full Form : Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

PCMB Full Form : Physics, Chemistry, Math, Biology

PCM Stream Subjects

PCM stream is a combination of subjects a student can take in class 11 and 12 which must include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. List of subjects you can take in class 11 PCM : Physics, Chemistry, Math, English, Computer Science or any other optional subject.

Should I take PCM in class 11?

Do you like Math as a subject? Are you comfortable solving Math problems? In your mind, is it clear that you want to pursue engineering? Is IIT your dream? If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, then take PCM in class 11.

PCB Stream Subjects

PCB is a combination of subjects a student can take in class 11 and 12 which must include Physics, Chemistry and Biology. List of subjects you can take in class 11 PCB : Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and any other optional subject.

Should I take PCB in class 11?

If your dream is to become a doctor, then it’s a no-brainer that you need to take PCB in class 11. If you are clear that Math is not your cup of tea, you don’t have much desire to pursue engineering and you like studying Biology, in that case the medical stream is a good option for you.

PCMB Stream Subjects

PCMB is a combination of subjects a student can take in class 11 and 12 which include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.

Can I take both Maths and Biology in class 11?

Yes, if you are not sure whether you would like to pursue medicine, engineering or any other science course, then you can take both Math and Biology in class 11 (PCMB stream). You can prepare for JEE and NEET at the same time. It will be tough to study Math and Biology combined, but it’s doable and some students have cleared both the entrance examinations, JEE and NEET.

“As all of us know, Physics and Chemistry are common for both the entrance exams. However, for Maths and Biology, if you have strong convictions against either, you will know in a few months time.” – Bristi Majumdar

Advantages of taking PCMB in 11th

The main advantage of taking PCMB in 11th class is that the students will have the option of choosing multiple career options after class 12. You will be eligible to give NEET, JEE and other engineering entrance exams. It’s best for the confused students who don’t know what to take up as a career.

Disadvantage of taking PCMB

The disadvantage of taking PCMB is that sometimes it gets difficult to manage both Math and Biology. You might have to put in more effort compared to others.

Which is better – PCM vs PCB?

There is no stream which is better than the other. Both PCM and PCB have good career options. Choosing PCM or PCB in class 11 depends on the student’s interest whether he wants to pursue engineering, medical or basic science courses. Generally, PCM is recommended for engineering and PCB for medical aspirants.

PCM or PCB in Class 11 – FAQs

What subjects/ group should I take in class 11 to become a doctor?

Take PCB in class 11 to become a doctor. Subjects to take in class 11 to become a doctor : Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and any optional subject.

Which subjects to choose in 11th for software/computer/mechanical/civil engineering?

For engineering, it’s better to take the PCM stream. Subjects to choose in class 11 for engineering : Physics, Chemistry, Math, English and Computer Science.

PCM or PCB, which is hard and which is easy?

Neither PCM is hard nor PCB is easy. Math requires a lot of practice while Biology needs a lot of memorization and revision. Choose your stream as per your interest in the subject and field you want to continue in future. The scope and opportunity is equally good in engineering and medical. Whatever subject you choose, give your best effort.

Best wishes for your career ahead!

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PCM, PCB, PCMB – Which Subjects to Choose in Class 11? was last modified: May 3rd, 2024 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.