6 Best Study Tips to Improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE

By | Last updated on January 11th, 2023

Improve Organic Chemistry for JEE.

Question asked by a JEE aspirant : “How can I study to improve my Organic Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced?”

There are no special methods to get better in JEE Organic Chemistry. But following simple points can be employed to improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced.

6 Best Study Tips to Improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE

Best study tips to improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE :

  1. Read from NCERT textbook as it’s the best book to study Organic Chemistry for JEE.
  2. Try to understand mechanisms of the reactions (not all, only important ones). This helps in memorizing similar types of reactions in one go.
  3. Don’t cram all the reactions and concepts. Look up past year JEE papers and observe the trends. There must be some reactions in your books that are never taught/asked. They can be left and ignored.
  4. Draw flowchart of reactions on sheets of papers. Those sheets should be looked upon regularly so that the chart gets memorized easily.
  5. Keep thinking of reactions and mechanisms in your free time.
  6. Remove any kind of fear for Organic Chemistry from your mind. Useless fear hampers your ability to understand and enjoy the topics.

For me, Organic Chemistry was one of the easiest topics from the JEE syllabus. I used to enjoy it a lot.

Learn the best ways to improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE from the top faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.

Ayush Saxena
IIT Patna

Related Post : 20 Best Tips to Study Chemistry for IIT JEE


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6 Best Study Tips to Improve in Organic Chemistry for JEE was last modified: January 11th, 2023 by Ayush Saxena

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