Things to Avoid and Follow in JEE Main and JEE Advanced Preparation

By | Last updated on October 27th, 2021

Things to avoid and follow for IIT JEE.

Don’t assume you’re not capable of clearing JEE Main and JEE Advanced on the basis of your performance in previous classes, scores in initial tests, or seeing more intelligent students in your batch. Clearing IIT JEE is difficult, but it’s possible if you are aware of what to avoid and what to follow in the JEE preparation.

First let’s look at what not to do in JEE preparation.

Things to Avoid in IIT JEE Preparation

  • Procrastination: Procrastination is a lazy habit, you don’t need this in JEE preparation. Finishing work and assignments on time is a habit which helps in achieving your goal. Clear your doubts asap.
  • Excessive TV/ Social media: Avoid anything that can take your precious time, JEE preparation needs your focus and dedication, rest of the things can wait.
  • Reading too many books: Quality matters more than quantity. The number of books you read is not proportional to your chances of clearing JEE. You need to be aware of what’s in the syllabus and avoid questions which are above the exam level.
  • Not allowing flexibility: Ideally your time table should cover all subjects but sometimes when your mind says it’s enough of studying a subject for the day, it’s okay to move on to another subject. The adjustment is fine as long as you are finishing your daily work/assignment.
  • Only mugging and not understanding concepts: Don’t mug up things. Avoid cramming unless it’s some chemistry part or basic formulas.
  • Depending only on self study: There is a reason why students who clear JEE give due credit to coaching and teachers for their performance. Teachers in coaching have many years of experience in preparing students for JEE. They will resolve your doubts, correct your mistakes and give you the right direction to achieve results.
  • Feeling depressed due to low scores in tests: You will improve with each test. Monthly tests or practice tests are just to analyse your understanding and learning. It’s a way to learn from your mistakes.
  • Avoid long study hours if it results in fatigue, a small break after 45–60 minutes of study can improve your productivity.
  • Taking unnecessary pressure: Don’t take extreme pressure. It will be good for you if you go with a positive mind to the exam. Avoid silly mistakes, first in mock tests and then on the exam day.

Things to Follow in IIT JEE preparation

  • Be consistent: The most important thing to clear IIT JEE is to be consistent with your preparation. Daily studies and practice is the most valuable habit to develop for JEE.
  • Make a study routine or timetable for JEE. Don’t follow the timetable of other students. Identify your productive hours and plan your daily schedule accordingly. Make sure you achieve your weekly targets.
  • You should be aware of simple basic concepts before knowing the complex ones. New concepts delivered in a way that builds upon existing topics/concepts is easier to make sense of and retain.
  • Resolve your doubts quickly. If you don’t understand anything, ask the same question again and again from your teacher.
  • Do your homework/ assignments on time and take them seriously. Don’t neglect what’s happening currently in your coaching in order to improve previous concepts or backlogs. Your first priority should be to finish your current assignments and homework on time.
  • Whenever you attempt any mock test, you are likely to give wrong answers. The objective is not just to solve the test but analysing it on the same day for mistakes and weakness. If you apply this strategy, you will surely improve with each test that you give during the JEE preparation.
  • Make your own notes. You always remember better when you write things by hand rather than read from a book. Never try to copy the exact text from the book. Read, and then write them in your own words. For efficient preparation, consistent revision is necessary. Your notes will help you during revision time.

Related Post : Common mistakes during JEE Preparation


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Things to Avoid and Follow in JEE Main and JEE Advanced Preparation was last modified: October 27th, 2021 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.