Top 9 Common Preparation Mistakes of IIT JEE

By | Last updated on July 14th, 2022

Common preparation mistakes of IIT-JEE.

Many students ask this question – “What are the common mistakes done by JEE aspirants?”

Top 9 Common Preparation Mistakes of IIT JEE

  1. Procrastination. Thinking that you will solve a question or read the chapter later and it goes on till the last.
  2. Backlog. Generating backlogs (Blunder) is the worst thing in life and JEE preparation is no different from Life.
  3. Getting dejected of the poor performances in mock tests or part tests. 
  4. Not knowing what question is for IIT JEE and what is not in IIT JEE syllabus. Most of the students join various test series or solve books which at times have questions which are beyond JEE Level. It is not at all recommended to solve such questions.
  5. Killing time for no reason. That means – watching movies/ television shows too often, sleeping more than required, etc. 
  6. Social networking ruthlessly.
  7. Studying on bed instead of using a table chair. 
  8. Solving 5-6 books partially instead of solving 1-2 books completely.
  9. Not getting doubts cleared or questions which were left unsolved in tests/ books remain unsolved forever.

If you can avoid all the above mistakes in JEE preparation, you will surely be able to study a lot more than what you are doing now.

Related Post : 3 Common Blunders JEE Aspirants Commit in JEE Preparation


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Top 9 Common Preparation Mistakes of IIT JEE was last modified: July 14th, 2022 by Lohit Marodia

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