How to Study/ Master Organic Chemistry For NEET?

By | Last updated on July 11th, 2024

Tips to study Organic Chemistry for NEET.

The key to master Organic Chemistry for NEET involves discipline, putting in time consistently, doing problems and focusing on learning concepts. The more interested in and passionate about Organic Chemistry that you can get, the better you’ll do in the subject.

How to Study Organic Chemistry For NEET?

Study tips to master Organic Chemistry for NEET :

1. Build a solid foundation from the start

A solid foundation is the most important thing to master Organic Chemistry. Learn concepts, practice and identify weaknesses, then practice weaknesses. As the test approaches, emphasis on strengths.

2. Focus on understanding, not just memorization

There are some topics that require memorization like nomenclature terms, functional groups, and so on. Memorization is good as long as you are understanding the concepts deeper. Focus less on memorizing long sequences of arrows, and chunk mechanisms into steps.

3. Know the theory and reasoning of why something happens

If you truly understand the theory and reasoning of what you’re being taught, you will be better able to apply it to other sections of Organic Chemistry. Knowing why something happens is very useful because it allows you to apply it to other situations.

4. Regularly attend classes and never procrastinate

Never miss a class and always be engaged with the teacher. Half the battle is just showing up. Go over the class notes every day over and over. Don’t fall behind, avoid procrastination, write things out (such as reactions and mechanisms).

5. Consistently practice problems

It is one thing to just pay attention in class but at the end of the day you’re not going to understand the topic until you do problems. After doing a problem, ask yourself what you learned from it, instead of just mentally ticking it off and moving on to the next one.

6. Make notes for important stuff and mistakes

Right from the start of the preparation, make note cards to learn reactions (with examples and mechanisms). When a teacher says “this is something important you should really know”, add it to your notes. Make a notebook of mistakes you make while solving problems and revise it regularly.

7. Learn the basic concepts of Physics

Basic Physics concepts help in learning Organic Chemistry. A good understanding of electrostatics, familiarity with the basics of thermodynamics, equilibrium and kinetics will help you in grasping the topics well in Organic Chemistry.

8. Solve questions from previous years papers

In NEET, often the exact same question or a slight change (i.e. change a molecule here and there) from the previous years questions can be asked. During the exam or a mock test, don’t get frustrated when not able to solve a question. Finish the rest of the exam and come back to the problem.

NEET Organic Chemistry – FAQs

Is NCERT enough for Organic Chemistry for NEET?

NCERT is more than enough for NEET Organic Chemistry, you can read it 2-3 times if you have time in hand.

Which book is best for Organic Chemistry NEET?

NCERT is the best for Organic Chemistry NEET, however to understand clearly and practice problems, you may refer to Morrison & Boyd and M. S. Chauhan books. [Best Books for NEET Preparation]

Is Organic Chemistry difficult for NEET?

The difficulty in Organic Chemistry is in figuring out how the reaction will proceed. You need to recognize what type of reaction the particular substrate will give with a particular reagent.

How long does it take to complete NEET Organic Chemistry?

Depending on the time you have for the preparation of NEET, Organic Chemistry can be completed in 3 months or 7 days! There is no fixed duration. The longer you study Organic Chemistry, the better you will do in the subject.

The best way to study organic chemistry for NEET is to practice, doing problems and problems, and as you are practicing, you are retaining all the mechanisms for a long term without actually memorizing the mechanisms only for a test.

Learn the right ways to study Organic Chemistry for NEET from the best faculty and experts in NEET Online Courses.

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How to Study/ Master Organic Chemistry For NEET? was last modified: July 11th, 2024 by Ritu Grewal

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