What Should be the Strategy for NEET Exam in Last Few Months?

By | Last updated on April 13th, 2022

NEET exam strategy in last few months.

Last few months before NEET are very crucial for every NEET aspirant. It’s the last lap of your preparation journey. This is the time to remain calm and not take too much pressure. Your aim should be very clear, what all is to be done in the remaining time. It’s recommended to revise the basics and the weak links now.

What Should be the Strategy for NEET Exam in Last Few Months?

Ideal preparation strategy for NEET in the last few months.

  • Revise the complete syllabus of NEET. A smart revision technique will save you a lot of time and boost your confidence as well for NEET.
  • Don’t left any topic or chapter that you think unimportant for NEET. The questions in NEET can come from any topic. Rightly said by Abhishek Garg“Don’t forget to read the most avoided /ignored chapters like Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Polymers, Environmental Chemistry (Memory – based portion in Chemistry) and Communication, Oscillation and Waves, Modern Physics (In Physics). These are equally important for the exam point of view as well because the questions can be formed from literally anything which is in the syllabus”.
  • If you have not done yet, solve regular mock tests and previous year papers (ideally from  afternoon to evening) to check your preparation level and get accustomed to the exam pattern of NEET. Analyse the tests to find your mistakes and the scope of improvement. Work on your weak points so that you no longer need to call them as your shortcomings.
  • Study from NCERT books and coaching modules only. Don’t refer new books now. New topics in other books which are irrelevant to syllabus may decrease your confidence.
  • For Physics and Chemistry, along with revising theory, you need to keep practicing good quality NEET questions, either from test series or previous years papers.
  • For Biology, revise your NCERT as many times as you can. Solve some MCQs to keep up with the practice.
  • Use Mnemonics to remember difficult words, phrases and statements. (Tricks to remember complex things for NEET/AIIMS).
  • Make short notes for your last minute revision. You can include formulas, different types of tricks or some good questions and also the mistakes that you had committed so as to avoid them in future. (Tips for making revision notes for NEET)
  • An important factor in this last phase is self-confidence. Stay motivated intrinsically. “Don’t spend your precious time in listening or watching motivational videos of blah blah. Until you don’t do your work, they will be of no use.” – Jyoti Choudhary ( 631 / 720 in NEET 2017).
  • Take care of your health, both physical and mental. Don’t overthink. Try to meditate (slow deep breaths) if you feel distracted by anything.
  • Sleep peacefully for 7-8 hours. Never compromise on sleep during the preparation.

For resolving doubts in important topics and to learn exclusive tricks of solving questions in NEET exam : Online Courses for NEET-UG


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What Should be the Strategy for NEET Exam in Last Few Months? was last modified: April 13th, 2022 by Ritu Grewal

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