How to Score 180 in NEET Chemistry? Study Tips and Tricks

By | Posted on October 25th, 2022

Score 180 in Chemistry NEET.

Question asked by a NEET aspirant – “How to score between 170-180 in NEET chemistry? Can I score 180 in NEET chemistry?”

Yes, you can score 180 in NEET Chemistry. In the previous years, many students have scored full marks in Chemistry in the NEET/ AIPMT exam. If they can, so can you. To score a perfect 180 in NEET Chemistry, you require solid preparation and a little bit of luck.

How to Score 180 in NEET Chemistry?

Study tips and tricks to score 180 in NEET Chemistry :

  1. Don’t pile a list of books for Chemistry. NCERT, coaching modules and previous years papers are important to score maximum marks in NEET Chemistry.
  2. Read NCERT completely (multiple times if you have time in hand) – including theory, examples, questions, tables, reactions, exceptions, everything.
  3. Solve questions from coaching modules and NCERT exercises.
  4. Practice conversions questions to strengthen Organic Chemistry.
  5. Memorize all the graphs given in NCERT.
  6. Highlighted important points in the textbook and revised them at least 4–5 times.
  7. Write the points which you don’t remember on sticky notes and paste them in your room.
  8. Make short notes of all named reactions, compounds, functional groups. It will help you to see all the information in one glance.
  9. Create mnemonics for NEET Chemistry to remember all the important stuff.
  10. Revise Inorganic Chemistry on a regular basis, complete all NCERT chapters.
  11. Make formula charts in Physical Chemistry and revise it from time to time.
  12. Solve a lot of mock tests and practice NEET previous year questions again and again.

Can I score 180 in Chemistry by studying only NCERT?

NCERT is the most important book you need to study for scoring 180 in NEET Chemistry. Along with NCERT, you can practice questions from coaching modules, make class notes and revise from the handbook provided by your coaching.

How do you score full marks in NEET Chemistry?

To score full marks in NEET Chemistry, students should have a very strong grip on NCERT whether it’s theory, solving questions and remembering formulas. Don’t leave any topic from the NEET syllabus. Keep revising your weak areas and concepts.

Is 180 NEET Chemistry score easy?

Scoring 180 in NEET Chemistry is not an easy task by any standard. It takes a lot of effort, hard work and commitment to score maximum marks in NEET Chemistry.

Learn some exclusive tips and tricks to score maximum marks in NEET Chemistry from the best faculty and experts in Mystudycart NEET Online Courses.


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How to Score 180 in NEET Chemistry? Study Tips and Tricks was last modified: October 25th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.