How Many Questions to Practice Per Chapter for NEET – Physics, Chemistry, Biology?

By | Last updated on July 25th, 2023

Questions to practice per chapter for NEET

This is a guest post from Simran Sweta (AIR 4788 in NEET-UG).

Practice, according to me, should be totally need dependent. The weaker the subject/ topic, the more the questions to practice. For example, my Biology was strong. I knew that and hence I practiced solving just the NEET past year questions and the NCERT based MCQs, and it was sufficient (I got a 355 in NEET Biology).

On the other hand, my Physics and Chemistry wasn’t that good, so I made sure that I practiced lots and lots of Physics questions and read NCERT Chemistry multiple times. So I filled around 5–6 notebooks (400 pages each) practicing Physics questions (and Physical Chemistry). And no matter how boring it used to get, reading those S/ P/ D/ F blocks, Metallurgy, and whatnot, again and again, but I did it.

Practicing Questions for NEET Physics, Chemistry, Biology

  • Physics : Pay attention to the quality of questions you solve as well. Basically try to strike a balance between the quality and quantity.
  • Chemistry : Practice for Physical Chemistry basically, some Organic practice as well. But for Inorganic, just Read, and Repeat NCERT.
  • Biology : Just read the NCERT textbook! Practice via tests and previous year questions.

How many questions to practice per chapter for NEET Physics and Chemistry?

For a newbie, in the first round, just read everything and practice around 150 questions per chapter for Physics and Physical Chemistry, 100 or more questions for Inorganic and Organic.

Apart from practicing the questions from your coaching modules, be regular with the tests. Especially near the end, just give NEET mock tests as much as possible. When you give tests, you’ll get to know about the weaker areas you need to improve for NEET.

How many questions to solve daily for NEET?

Start with solving 20-30 MCQs daily for NEET. With time, when your speed and accuracy improves, you can increase it to 50-60 MCQs per day. The more you practice, the better you get. Make sure you manage theory properly along with MCQs.

The crux of the matter is, identify what you know and what you don’t. Remember that ‘Divide and Rule policy’, that’s it. Segregate, Simplify and Learn.

Learn the right way to practice questions for NEET from the topic faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.

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How Many Questions to Practice Per Chapter for NEET – Physics, Chemistry, Biology? was last modified: July 25th, 2023 by Simran Sweta

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