How to Score 170+ in Physics NEET? Importance of NCERT to Score 180 in NEET Physics

By | Last updated on November 9th, 2023

Score 170-180 in NEET Physics

Physics is the subject in which you can score maximum marks (170-180) in NEET if your concepts are crystal clear. In this post, Sumit Nahak, NEET 2021 Score-685 and AIR-685 (Yes, both are same!), will tell you how to score 170+ marks in NEET Physics and the importance of NCERT to score 180 marks in NEET Physics.

How to Score 170+ in Physics NEET?

To score 170 in NEET Physics, you have to correctly answer 43 out of 45 questions in the exam. Given below are the tips to score 170+ marks in the Physics NEET :

  1. Don’t try to mug up things in Physics. Understand them clearly so that you can apply the concepts in solving problems.
  2. Solve Physics numericals after going through all the concepts from a chapter.
  3. Practice from a book which contains all varieties of problems with varying levels. Personally I would recommend you to go with NEET coaching modules.
  4. Solve a book many times rather than solving a lot of books at once.
  5. Make a Physics formula copy and update it after completing a chapter.
  6. Try to revise the copy everyday before going to bed, so that all the formulas will be at your fingertips on the day of the exam.
  7. Give mock tests and NEET previous years papers. If you complete that, then solve previous year JEE Mains, State CETs questions rather than solving other unwanted stuff. It is because these days all these exams have levels just similar to NEET (even JEE Main).
  8. Solving these questions will not only give you more confidence but will also give you an idea about the type of questions framed in competitive exams.

How to Score 180 in NEET Physics?

Scoring 180 in the NEET Physics exam is a challenging but achievable goal with the right approach and dedication. Don’t skip anything from NCERT. Even during my preparation I was trying to read the whole NCERT book but I was unable to complete my target and I ended up scoring 170 marks in NEET Physics. Regular practice, solving numerical problems and taking mock tests are crucial for scoring 180 in NEET Physics.

Remember that scoring a perfect 180/180 in NEET Physics is a significant achievement and requires hard work and dedication. Combine your Physics preparation with similar efforts in the Biology and Chemistry sections, as NEET is a comprehensive exam covering these subjects as well.

Important NEET Topics from NCERT Physics

It is not everyone’s cup of tea to go through each and every line of boring NCERT. I would like to suggest some important NEET topics from NCERT which are sufficient to score good marks in NEET Physics.

NEET Physics important topics NCERT.

After reading these topics, make short notes containing the points from NCERT which you found completely new to you. Also note down all the graphs from NCERT Physics in a separate copy.

Most Important Book for NEET Physics

NCERT books are the most important books for NEET preparation. Your Physics NEET preparation is still half left without NCERT books. You can’t get a good score in NEET Physics by skipping NCERT textbook. Maximum students lose their marks in NEET Physics because although they are conceptually strong they are not thorough with the lines of NCERT (Right Way to Study Physics NCERT for NEET).

How many questions in NEET Physics are from NCERT?

As per the NEET question papers from the previous years, 20-25 percent of all the questions in NEET Physics are asked from the NCERT books. The NEET syllabus is based on the CBSE/ NCERT/ Other Boards curriculum.

Questions asked directly from NCERT in NEET Physics

Have a glance over the below questions directly asked from lines of NCERT in recent years. These are some questions which show the importance of NCERT books to get full marks in NEET Physics.

NCERT question asked in NEET Physics.

NCERT Physics question asked in NEET.

Is Physics NCERT enough for NEET?

Although NCERT is important for NEET Physics, it is not enough for complete preparation. Along with Physics NCERT, you need some other resources like coaching material or a reference book like HC Verma and DC Pandey for practicing good quality Physics problems.

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How to Score 170+ in Physics NEET? Importance of NCERT to Score 180 in NEET Physics was last modified: November 9th, 2023 by Sumit Nahak

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