Why Am I Not Able to Get Results Even After Working Hard for JEE?

By | Last updated on February 20th, 2023

Not getting results after working hard for JEE

It is true that a lot of students say that they are working too hard for JEE and yet are unable to get the desired result. If you are doing any of the following then your hard work might be going in vain.

Reasons for Not Able to Get Results Even After Working Hard for JEE :

  • Studying without a study plan for JEE, like you don’t specify the amount of time you need to dedicate to a specific subject and just study as you wish. Ignoring a certain subject for more than a week is not what you want.
  • Spending unnecessary hours on JEE topics that do not require you to go that deep.
  • Doing questions of the same topic through multiple books. 1–2 books apart from your study material is more than enough. Understand that if you are able to solve JEE previous years of a chapter with ease you have done enough hard work.
  • Not studying with focus for JEE. Is your phone on the table when you study? If it is then you might feel the need to check it every once in a while. Then when you get up after sitting for 8 hours you would have just wasted 8 hours as you were not focused, whatever you may have studied will most certainly just fade away.
  • Not revising the theory that your teacher made you learn on the day itself and just practicing questions. Questions are important but so is the theory. You may remember how to solve a problem but will forget the most basic formula required to do so.

Archit Bajpai
99.61 Percentile in JEE Main

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Why Am I Not Able to Get Results Even After Working Hard for JEE? was last modified: February 20th, 2023 by Archit Bajpai

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