How Do I Manage All Three Subjects in a Day for the NEET Preparation?

By | Posted on February 2nd, 2023

Tips to manage all 3 subjects for NEET.

NEET-UG examination consists of 3 subjects – Biology, Physics and Chemistry. In this post, we will see how to manage all three subjects in a day for the NEET preparation.

Note : Many students study 2 subjects a day and do revision. They generally follow a weekly or monthly target to complete their goals. It’s effective for them. You should follow which works best for you but don’t study only 1 subject a day. It’s not recommended for NEET.

How to Manage All Three Subjects in a Day for the NEET Preparation?

Tips to manage all 3 subjects in a day for NEET preparation :

  • Planning is the key to managing all 3 subjects in a day. If you have a proper study plan for NEET and are ready to execute it at any cost, you will definitely make it.
  • Allocate sufficient time to all the subjects. Some might say we have to concentrate more on Biology since it contributes to most of the questions but to score good marks in NEET we should give importance to all three subjects.
  • Give more time to your weak subject. Adjust the times accordingly for other subjects.
  • Keep studying regularly all 3 subjects. Whether you are studying theory of Biology, revising Chemistry or solving problems of Physics, it’s important that you give some time daily to each subject.
  • Try short study hours like 45-60 minutes with regular breaks to stay focused and not get bored.
  • For each subject, make a list of topics from the NEET syllabus that you need to complete during the week and then execute it.
  • Don’t be in a hurry to complete the syllabus of the subject which you find easier. It often results in neglecting other subjects.
  • If you feel sleepy and find it difficult to study at late hours then do numericals at that time as it requires more concentration and attention.

PS : Whichever study plan you choose for NEET to manage all 3 subjects, follow it for at least a week or 10 days before making any switches.

Manage subjects for NEET in the best productive way under the guidance of top faculty and experts at your home in Mystudycart NEET courses.

Related Post : How Many Hours to Study for NEET?


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How Do I Manage All Three Subjects in a Day for the NEET Preparation? was last modified: February 2nd, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: NEET-UG

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.