How to Prepare for JEE/ NEET in Entire Year to Avoid Cramming Before the Exam?

By | Last updated on April 13th, 2020

JEE NEET preparation in entire year to avoid hustle at last minute.

This is one of the best questions on JEE/ NEET preparation. JEE and NEET aspirants who study with discipline and consistency don’t face such types of problems in the last few months before the exam.

JEE/ NEET Preparation in Entire Year to Avoid Cramming Before the Exam

This is what you can do to avoid last minute hustle in the JEE/ NEET preparation.

1. Make a time table. A simple one is fine. Starting your day the same way can motivate you to study consistently, even when you don’t feel like studying. Make sure you achieve your daily or weekly targets. [Tips to Make a Daily Timetable for JEE and NEET]

Don’t worry if you are not able to make or follow your timetable. Study with full concentration without any kind of distractions. You can target minimum hours of study every day, irrespective of the time slot.

2. Be consistent throughout your preparation. If you haven’t had your target/ scores reached, keep going. Consistency is the most fundamental virtue to achieve what we want. Sticking with the schedule and studying consistently – and not just when you feel inspired or something like that – is very, very powerful.

3. Don’t procrastinate/ Avoid backlogs. Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant, but likely more important task, in favor of one that is more enjoyable or easier. Many aspirants face this issue. They choose to do something else instead of studying. The backlogs keep on rising and JEE/ NEET preparation gets hampered due to this wasted time.

Procrastination can lead to reduced productivity and cause us to miss out on achieving our goals. If we procrastinate over a long period of time, we can become demotivated in our preparation.

It’s okay sometimes to miss the daily study schedule, you can cover that during the week. But what’s not good is staring at your books, daydreaming, and doing nothing.

4. Complete your homework/assignments on time : When you join a coaching, and to make sure you are constantly aware of the concepts and for your regular practice, teachers give you homework and assignments. One of the key advice from the students who clear JEE/ NEET is to complete your homework and assignments on time.

5. Make notes : Making notes always helps you out in competitive exams. You may not realize its importance now but you’ll surely realize it in the last month when you would have a huge amount to revise or whenever you want to revise some forgotten concept and you couldn’t find the right book.

6. Clear your doubts : Get your doubts cleared from the teachers; do not keep them pending and piling up. Have a voice in the classroom (or after the class when the teacher opens the session for questions). It never hurts to ask your doubts!

7. Analyse your performance in tests : Take a look at each test and assess if there’s anything you can do to improve your score. The purpose of the periodic tests in coaching is to make you realise your mistakes and not to repeat them in the upcoming tests. [Tips to Bounce Back from Low Scores in Tests]

8. Revise consistently : JEE and NEET preparation takes a lot of your time. You understand topics, solve problems and old concepts fade away from your mind. For efficient preparation, consistent revision is necessary.

Related Post : Tips to increase efficiency in JEE/ NEET preparation


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How to Prepare for JEE/ NEET in Entire Year to Avoid Cramming Before the Exam? was last modified: April 13th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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