7 Ways to Increase Your Efficiency in NEET and JEE Preparation

By | Last updated on November 11th, 2020

Increasing efficiency for NEET IIT JEE.

Efficiency is the ability to do things well successfully and without wasting time to achieve a desired result. As a NEET or JEE aspirant, it’s important to improve your efficiency in studies to score good marks/ rank in the exam.

How to Increase Efficiency in NEET/ JEE Preparation?

Here are the 7 best tips to study more efficiently for NEET and IIT JEE.

  1. Get prepared before you start studying.
  2. Follow a study schedule/ routine.
  3. Turn off all distractions.
  4. Measure your performance in tests.
  5. Make class notes and review them.
  6. Get help and feedback.
  7. Take study breaks as per your limits.

Get prepared before you start studying

Be clear about your goals, strategy and the resources (coaching or study material) you require in your target exam preparation. The more you prepare ahead of time, and get clear on exactly what it is you want, need, or should do, the easier and faster you will move once you start the preparation.

Follow a study schedule/ routine

A daily study routine helps in managing time well between studies and other tasks. Try to study at the same time every day. You train yourself to know, as soon as that hour strikes, to fall into that mode of focus required to do your best study.

Turn off all distractions

Your best study comes in silence, when you have complete focus and concentration. So get rid of any distraction that disturbs in your studies.

Measure your performance in tests

Test yourself, or get someone else to test you. Check the analysis after finishing the test (available in online test series). If you can’t analyse your test, you don’t know how to improve in the next test.

You have to identify your mistakes. If you got a question wrong, understand why you got it wrong. Find out what you’re good at and not so good at. Work on your weakness.

Time management and the pattern of solving questions is important to clear NEET and JEE with good rank.

Make class notes and review them

Write down most new words, definitions, terms, and phrases. Copy diagrams, charts, and tables that summarize information. You will need them later to help you understand the concept or topic. Do review the notes after the class. Edit them if required for better reading later.

Get help and feedback

You understood the concept, you are able to solve problems, you are doing good. All fine? No. You need to review what you are learning and practicing. Ask the teachers if your methods are correct and you’re learning the right way. Be inquisitive throughout the preparation.

Take study breaks as per your limits

Efficiency does not improve by studying continuously for 8-10 hours. There is a high probability of exhaustion due to this. Efficiency is about knowing your concentration limits. Maybe you need to take a 10-minute break after an hour of study. Great. Do that. Get up and have a drink of water, walk around, etc. Come back after break for a fresh study session.

Increase your efficiency in studies for JEE/ NEET by learning from the best faculty and experts in Mystudycart Online Courses.


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Image credit : Nick Youngson


7 Ways to Increase Your Efficiency in NEET and JEE Preparation was last modified: November 11th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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