How to Make a Study Schedule for JEE Mains/ NEET?

By | Last updated on August 17th, 2022

Study schedule for JEE NEET.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily study schedule. As a JEE or NEET aspirant, you need a study schedule to establish and work on your priorities, limit procrastination and to keep track of your goals.

How to Make a Study Schedule for JEE Mains/ NEET?

Tips to make a study schedule for JEE/ NEET :

  1. Write down your goals (topics you want to study, chapters you want to complete) during the week.
  2. Assess your energy levels. Think about when you do your best study. Recognize your strengths and how your energy shifts throughout the day and plan your schedule accordingly.
  3. Early morning and after evening study can help you to be much more productive as you have complete control during these times, no school and coaching.
  4. The quiet hours of the morning can be the ideal time to focus on an important topic without being interrupted. The same thing can apply to students who like to study at night.
  5. Take small challenges like, for 30 days you will study as per the same study schedule. Just do it. It can become a habit that leads you to clear JEE/ NEET.
  6. Reward yourself when you achieve a small goal.
  7. If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.
  8. Your timetable should provide flexibility if any subject or topic requires more time than allotted, or when a test is scheduled next day.
  9. Be consistent. Daily studies and practice is the most important skill you need to clear JEE and NEET.
  10. Utilize holidays for long study hours or to catch up to what was being taught in the class.

Advantages of Making a Study Schedule for JEE/ NEET

  • The advantage of having a daily study schedule is once you are finished with a task, you already know what is next on your schedule.
  • When you don’t have a study schedule, the day either gets wasted as you try to decide what to study, or you find yourself tangled up in unwanted things and stuff.
  • Studying according to a routine develops as a habit. It’s better if you develop this habit as early as possible.
  • When you set up specific times for studies, it’s far less likely you’ll push them off for later  –  especially once they become a habit.
  • Starting your day the same way can motivate you to study consistently, even when you don’t feel like studying.

What if you are not able to follow a study schedule for JEE/ NEET?

Keep in mind that there is no one ideal schedule that suits all aspirants. Your study schedule can depend on many factors like – how much hours you spend in school and coaching? Do you like to study early morning or evening? It differs from person to person.

It would be very nice if you are able to follow the timetable you made, although it is neither sufficient nor necessary. A schedule or timetable may not work for everybody.

Don’t worry if you are not able to make or follow your study schedule. Study with full concentration without any kind of distractions. You can target minimum hours of study every day, irrespective of the time slot.

Set weekly targets, like completing a topic in this week, etc. Study at least 4 to 5 hours daily by yourself. Divide time according to subjects. Give more time to those subjects which you don’t have interest in and try to create interest in those subjects.

List some of the things you do daily. Do they require a schedule to be done? No. This is because they have become your habit. Make JEE or NEET preparation your habit. 

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How to Make a Study Schedule for JEE Mains/ NEET? was last modified: August 17th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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