How to Increase My Score to 680+ in NEET?

By | Last updated on May 2nd, 2024

Score 680+ in NEET

Question asked by a NEET aspirant – “I’m stuck at the same 640-650 in my part tests. How do I increase my score to 680 or above in NEET?”

This question is relatable. I was scoring 640-650 in my coaching classes and wanted to increase my score, because my dream was (it’s still) AIIMS Rishikesh. Only once I crossed 680 in the NEET test.

Tips to Increase Your Score to 680+ in NEET

  1. Target silly mistakes to score 680 above in NEET.
    • If you want to score 670-680 in actual NEET, silly mistakes are your one of the strongest enemies. In-fact stop calling it silly because the mistakes which ruin your dream are not silly. Be careful in Section B of NEET paper because many times if we have attempted 8 questions, we select any 2 ahead and forget the back.
  2. Increase the speed of reading questions as per attention (speed and accuracy).
  3. Revise Biology NCERT effectively and note down the points which you keep forgetting (try to increase speed).
  4. Read Physical Chemistry NCERT once and note down the points which you find important.
  5. Read Organic Chemistry NCERT again with full focus because in Organic most of us know the name of the reaction, reactant, catalyst, major product but not temperature, pressure, minor product, intermediates and many more (I can’t recall).
  6. Keep revising Inorganic Chemistry till the last date. Remember exceptions, order and reaction as much as you can.
  7. Revise these chapters so effectively that you don’t miss any question that comes from anywhere : Environmental Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative analysis, Solid state, Chemistry in everyday life, Polymer (important uses).
  8. Stay calm in the last month, the last day and the last hour of the NEET exam.
    • I was not worried on my last day and last hour but in my last month, I literally passed my 7 days without even reading, revising, test, revising shorts. Last month before NEET is the most crucial time for us.
  9. Be prepared for not only the exam but invigilator also.
    • Our invigilator was so smart that he literally had gum, papers and attendance sheet, “anguntha lagane wala” and told us to manage that shit.
  10. Try to complete the paper before 40–45 minutes.

All the best.

Mehul Zalavadiya
MBBS Student at GMC Surat

Score 680+ in NEET by learning tips and tricks from the top faculty and experts in Mystudycart NEET Online Course.

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How to Increase My Score to 680+ in NEET? was last modified: May 2nd, 2024 by Mehul Zalavadiya

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