How Much Hard Work is Needed to Crack IIT JEE?

By | Last updated on June 30th, 2023

Hard work required for IIT

I worked really hard, like REALLY HARD! to get into IIT, but once I got here I started thinking about why is it so difficult for some people to get into IIT? I mean yeah, I worked hard but anyone could have done that, why was I so different? 

I think the answer is, it’s true that most of the people could work harder than me, but one thing that they can’t do is, they can’t work hard consistently.

This is a guest post by Akshat Bhardwaj (AIR 477 in JEE Advanced).

How Much Hard Work is Needed to Crack IIT JEE?

If you really want to crack JEE and get into IIT, you need to work hard, but you also have to not give up. You need to keep working till the very end. In my opinion this is the key to get something done, whether it be clearing JEE or anything that you want to achieve in your life.

I have seen people work hard and not get into IIT and even if they do they don’t get the rank they deserve because they lack one thing and the most important thing and that’s consistency.

Read more about how to stay consistent for JEE : Tips to maintain consistency in IIT JEE preparation

If you consistently work hard, I don’t think anything should stop you from doing anything, because it’s not something extraordinary you need to do, but you need to do the ordinary “consistently” to achieve something extraordinary.

Having Backlog in IIT JEE Preparation?

About the backlog thing, if you are lagging behind other people, what you could do is keep following what is being taught in the class or wherever you are studying and doing all the assignments that you are getting currently and also take some time once you are done with the current stuff to study what you have left.

One thing to note is that don’t leave out what you are taught currently to study something that you left out earlier because if you do that you would always have something to cover up and you would end up having more that you could manage.

Read More : Tips to clear backlog for IIT JEE

So, your main focus should be on studying what is being taught in the current time and secondary focus on covering up the past things.

Akshat Bhardwaj
AIR 477, JEE Advanced 2015

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How Much Hard Work is Needed to Crack IIT JEE? was last modified: June 30th, 2023 by Akshat Bhardwaj

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Akshat Bhardwaj

Akshat Bhardwaj studied Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. He is passionate about programming and mathematics, a book reading enthusiast and a person who loves to travel. He likes playing guitar.