How to Master Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE (Main, Advanced)? 10 Best Study Tips

By | Last updated on January 11th, 2023

Tips to study Inorganic Chemistry for JEE.

Question asked by a JEE aspirant – “How to master Inorganic Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced? What’s the best way to study Inorganic Chemistry for JEE?”

In this post, I’ll tell you a smart process to study Inorganic Chemistry for JEE.

How to Master Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE?

Best way to study Inorganic Chemistry for JEE :

  1. Pick up and read the NCERT book.
  2. Mark/ underline the reactions.
  3. Go topic-wise. In each topic (for e.g. p-block) there will be different groups. Each group will have its own elements and their respective compounds.
  4. Make one chart (on a notebook size page) for each compound of an element by seeing the reactions from the book. That will give you, on an average, 2–3 charts per element.
  5. Start off with one compound. See the chart completely.
  6. The best way to learn everything for Inorganic Chemistry is writing.
  7. On a blank paper, write out the complete chart without referring to the original chart. If you can’t, try again.
  8. Write the same chart 2–3 times. You’ll find that your brain has assimilated many of the reactions.
  9. Daily draw new charts.
  10. Practice writing them daily. You’ll find that you’ve completed your p-block in one week. And that’s the longest chapter.

Most people will tell you that learning everything up is the key to master Inorganic Chemistry for JEE. It isn’t. Maybe sometimes you’ll have to remember some facts, but for reactions, I recommend writing. The same is also the key for Organic Chemistry

Learn the best ways to study Inorganic Chemistry from the best faculty and experts in JEE Online Courses.

Related Post : Tips to Study Chemistry for IIT JEE


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How to Master Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE (Main, Advanced)? 10 Best Study Tips was last modified: January 11th, 2023 by Shivansh Kanojia

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