How Do I Get Under 100 Rank in KVPY SX? Tips for 2-Digit Rank in KVPY

By | Last updated on March 19th, 2024

2 digit rank in KVPY.

A question asked by a KVPY aspirant in class 12 who wants to take admission in IISc Bangalore – “How do I get a 2 digit rank in KVPY SX examination?”

How Do I Get Under 100 Rank in KVPY SX?

Tips to get a good rank in KVPY SX :

  • Make sure your basic concepts of Math and Science (class XI-XII) are crystal clear to get a good rank in KVPY SX exam.
  • Among Physics, Chemistry, Math and Biology, choose any three subjects you’re strong in. In that, two subjects should be extremely strong. In KVPY SX paper part-1, you have to attempt 3 subjects out of 4, whereas in part-II, you have to attempt 2 subjects out of 3.
  • Study from NCERT textbooks and JEE/ NEET study modules. There are no separate books for KVPY preparation.
  • Study consistently every day with full focus and concentration. KVPY requires a deep understanding of concepts and application of logic.
  • While practicing questions if you know that you are not much familiar with the concepts involved in the question, don’t attempt it, rather study the concept first and then solve the question.
  • In Physics, practice conceptual questions along with general MCQs.
  • Get ready to wrack your brain in Math as you are going to face a lot of IQ-based problems.
  • NCERT is the key to perform well in Chemistry and Biology. Make proper notes for revision.
  • Solve KVPY mock tests and previous year papers in online mode to practice as per KVPY pattern and format. Enroll for a KVPY online test series.
  • Analyze your mistakes in the test. After every test make sure you get the concepts of all questions you got wrong and why you got them wrong before the next test.
  • The purpose of solving so many mock tests is to be ready with a final strategy for the KVPY paper. Do you have a preferred section to start the paper? When the exam begins, have a quick look at the question paper (scan not read) in case you require to switch. You don’t have to read the questions in detail while scanning the paper. See if you find any section easier than your preferred one. It’s better to attempt the easy section first. Similarly, solve easier questions first of each section.
  • Keep an eye on time management. Don’t spend the majority of time on solving questions of one section only. Have a specific time defined for each section. If you finish solving the questions in that defined time, you are doing great, otherwise start the next section when allocated time is over.
  • Manage your rough work properly. Don’t make silly mistakes while copying the values and important data.
  • Never panic before the exam, toppers always stay calm.
  • If you have less time in hand, i.e. less than 6 months for preparation than study KVPY SX important topics and chapters.
  • Stay confident, humble and well behaved in the KVPY interview. Don’t worry about speaking skills, they will check your PCMB knowledge. Use the whiteboard to explain things, if possible.

Hope the above tips help you to get a 2-digit rank (less than 100) in KVPY SX examination.

Get a good rank in KVPY examination by learning from the best faculty and experts in KVPY dedicated online course.

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How Do I Get Under 100 Rank in KVPY SX? Tips for 2-Digit Rank in KVPY was last modified: March 19th, 2024 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.