How to Choose a Coaching Institute for IIT JEE? 5 Things to Keep in Mind

By | Last updated on June 22nd, 2023

When choosing a coaching for JEE.

Choosing a coaching institute for IIT JEE is a major decision for students and their parents. In the past, there were only physical coaching institutes, but now with the availability of online coaching, many students are preparing for JEE online at home.

Should you choose IIT JEE coaching on the basis of results or quality?

There are thousands of coaching institutes (small and big) for JEE preparation in all major cities of India. Kota alone has around 200+ coaching institutes.

When these coaching institutes display their successful results every year, one thing they never disclose is the total  number of students who took the coaching from them. We all know this, the higher the number of students taking coaching, the more are the chances of showing successful results.

Students and parents are realising, it’s the quality of the classes (online or offline) and the value that a coaching institute provides to its students, is what matters most.

Results can be fabricated, the money can be used for huge advertisements, more media space can be purchased, but the quality is something which is not bound by size.

So it’s very important to keep the below things in mind when choosing a coaching institute for JEE.

How to Choose a Coaching Institute for IIT JEE?

Before identifying the best coaching institute for JEE, let’s see a few reasons why students get disappointed with a coaching institute:

  1. Coaching institute not understanding a student’s pace of learning.
  2. Coaching institute not telling a student how he/ she can improve his/ her individual performance.
  3. Coaching institute limit the best teachers to top batches only.
  4. Coaching institute don’t provide personal counselling along with the course.
  5. Coaching institute is not what has been projected, it’s manipulating results.

My take is that these are five strikes against low value coaching institutes, but the opposites of each of these then would be good signs of a truly valuable coaching provider.

So here are my 5 point criteria for choosing a coaching institute for JEE.

1. Choose a coaching institute which understands the psychology of a student.

Every student has different learning abilities. Some of them are fast learners, some take a little time to understand things. Some students are not comfortable studying in a batch and prefer JEE one-to-one classes.

Choose a coaching institute which is fast in recognizing the personality of the student and can make necessary changes to the teaching style and methods.

2. A coaching institute which analyzes the individual performance of a student.

In a top coaching institute, on an average, there are 100-150 students in a batch, so the only way to judge the performance of a student is through weekly or monthly tests. And the criteria to judge the performance is only marks, avoiding other factors which may be hampering the student’s performance.

Choose a coaching institute which continuously monitors the performance of every student. It finds the areas where a student is lacking and needs to focus more, and communicate the same to him/ her. The coaching provider then tries to enhance the performance of the student.

3. A coaching institute which doesn’t differentiate between its students.

Every big coaching institute has top batches. The well performing students are placed in top batches and they get the best of the faculty and resources. They are the ones who are most likely to clear the JEE  Main and Advanced exam. Students who perform well in lower batches can be moved to top batches.

The question is – Is it the right way to provide coaching?

If you don’t give the opportunity to lower batch students to learn like top batch students, how can you call yourself a great coaching institute? It’s not like they are paying less fees, then why can’t they get the best teachers?

I have also heard of students complaining that teachers are not professionals in lower batches. The students can’t leave the institute because the full year fee is already paid in advance.

Choose a coaching provider which doesn’t show partiality between its students.

4. A coaching institute which provides personal counselling to its students.

Students can face a lot of problems, not all are going to be academic. Sometimes it’s about feeling low, getting the pressure and anxiety of exams.

There can be incidents of bullying and the problems outside the coaching which are making them depressed. These things are very important as they can sometimes force a student to take unfortunate steps.

It’s important that students’ behaviour is monitored regularly. He/ she attends classes, fine, but is there something which a student is hiding and not able to tell others.

Choose a coaching provider which is always available for its students in solving their problems.

5. A coaching institute having high ethical standards.

Every year after the JEE results, there are hoardings and banners of coaching institutes showing successful results in order to lure new students. Coaching industry is huge and so is the competition, every institute wants to outshine others, that’s where some of them are involved in deceptive practices.

Half of the top 10 results of [Name Removed] coaching institute were shown in the “distance” category, that means they didn’t take the regular classes from the institute. Ironically, all of these 5 students were regular classroom students of another institute.

Not illegal, but I think they tried to deceive students and parents by claiming those results which belong to another institute. It’s about ethics.

Choose a coaching institute which has high ethical standards.

How Do I Know Such Coaching Institutes Exist?

Because I work for one. I wouldn’t write an article like this and publish it on this blog if I didn’t know that Mystudycart is one of the best online JEE coaching institutes that exemplifies every one of the qualities I named above.

We have adopted some ethics and standards that will not change whether we are giving coaching to a single student or thousands of students.

Please forgive my very uncharacteristic bragging… but as Dizzy Dean once said, “It ain’t bragging if you can do it!”

Related Post : Integrated Coaching vs Coaching Institute vs Online Coaching


IIT JEE online coaching


The credit of writing this post goes to Mark Traphagen, one of the well respected persons in Digital Marketing. He wrote an article in the above format for a different industry. I have adopted the similar approach and also use couple of lines from his article, with his permission.


How to Choose a Coaching Institute for IIT JEE? 5 Things to Keep in Mind was last modified: June 22nd, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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