IIT JEE Preparation at Home – Best Tips to Prepare for JEE Mains, Advanced

By | Last updated on May 30th, 2023

JEE preparation at home.

Many students who like to prepare for JEE ask this question – “What is the best way to prepare for JEE Main and Advanced at home?” In this post, we will see the best tips and strategy for JEE preparation at home.

JEE is a 2 stage exam – JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main is required for admission in NITs, IIITs and other Centrally/ State funded technical institutions, whereas JEE Advanced is for admission in IITs. JEE Main is the qualifying exam for JEE Advanced.

IIT JEE Preparation At Home

JEE is one of the toughest entrance examinations in the world. It’s important for JEE aspirants to follow proper schedule, study plan, preparation tips and strategy in order to prepare for JEE exam at home.

How to Prepare for JEE Mains and Advanced at Home?

Best tips and strategy for JEE preparation at home :

1. Get the required books and study material for JEE

Get all the required books and material for JEE preparation at home. Try to follow a JEE study material so that you can focus on JEE syllabus topics only. Don’t undermine the NCERTs. Solved examples and summaries in NCERT textbooks are very helpful for JEE.

2. Create a study schedule and follow it every day

Follow a study routine, a JEE preparation timetable, giving equal importance to Math, Physics and Chemistry. Consistency is very important in JEE preparation. Instead of studying all night one day and sleeping on the next day, it is better to study for equal hours on both days.

3. Eliminate all distractions at home

Staying all the time at home may lead to frustrations and boredom, so it’s crucial that you don’t get distracted from JEE preparation. Avoid spending excessive time on social media be it Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter or Instagram. Get rid of all such unproductive things from your life for the sake of getting into an IIT or NIT.

4. Start loving Physics, Chemistry and Math

Try to make studies fun and interesting through smart approaches, real life examples and with the help of persuasive teachers. Start enjoying your studies and you are on track to crack JEE.

5. Manage your time well between studies and other tasks

Managing time during JEE preparation is very crucial as you have to find a balance between studies and other things. Long continuous study hours can bring exhaustion and too many breaks may result in not being able to complete your work on time.

6. Focus on small goals to achieve big result

JEE syllabus looks huge at the start. Divide it into modules. Take up one topic at a time and focus on accomplishing the goals related to the topic; once that is over, move to the next topic in the syllabus. When a test is coming, revise theory and solve problems from all the topics.

7. Have a good theoretical knowledge of everything

The advantage of reading theory of all the topics is whenever you see a question, you will have a fair idea about ‘what topic, the question revolves around’ and what are the probable concepts which you can use to solve that question.

8. Practice questions every day

JEE demands a lot of practice. Make problem solving a habit. Spend some time everyday solving questions. If you are not able to solve a question, read the theory again and again till you get the feel of the topic. Take help from your teachers if required.

9. Don’t feel depressed if you are unable to solve questions

You should never feel depressed if you are unable to solve questions of a specific topic or a subject. Put your efforts and hard work to understand the theory and again solve the problems. If you follow this mantra consistently then automatically the performance and marks in tests will improve.

10. Never procrastinate, complete your work on time

JEE preparation is a process of applying your effort in studies, understanding concepts and solving problems for a longer period of time. Make sure you achieve your daily or weekly targets. Complete your homework and assignments on time and take them seriously.

11. Be curious to learn and ask from teachers

Resolve all your queries and doubts, no matter how silly they are. If you don’t understand anything, ask the same question again and again from your teacher. You can clear all your JEE doubts online.

12. Revise every day and make short notes

Keep revising what you are studying, every day, every week, every month. It takes long to learn something for the first time but it doesn’t take much time to revise it every now and then. Make short notes of every chapter for quick revision.

13. Give regular tests to assess your performance

Give regular tests according to the JEE exam pattern to assess your learning and performance. Start with time bound chapter-wise tests, then part tests of multiple chapters, and at last full paper tests after completing the syllabus. Solve online mock tests as JEE Main and JEE Advanced will be conducted in computer-based mode.

14. Time management and pattern of solving questions

Time management while solving papers is very important to clear JEE exam. In your tests, always give specific time to each section and try to finish the same within allotted time. Attempt that subject first in which you are most comfortable. Know the right method to practice the JEE problems. Work hard to improve speed and accuracy.

15. Remain calm and positive to crack the exam

Remaining calm and composed is the quality that differentiates between the one who does well in the JEE exam and the one who doesn’t. In your JEE preparation, there will be times when you’ll feel low and have negative feelings of not doing well. During these tough times, you need to stay strong and motivated to crack the JEE exam.

16. Sleep well and eat healthy food

Sleep well and eat your meals on time. It will help you in concentrating more on your studies, revision and exam preparation. A good sleep relaxes your mind, improves your ability to remember things. You’ll focus well and always feel energetic.

Important Tip : Join an online coaching and attend live classes from home

Don’t get worried about not being able to go to a coaching institute. These days you can attend JEE coaching classes from home. Many students nowadays are studying for JEE online from IIT qualified experienced teachers at the comfort of their home.

JEE Physics Preparation at Home

Tips to prepare for JEE Physics at home.

  • Start reading from the NCERT textbook of Physics to learn basics and then refer to books like HC Verma and DC Pandey. Alternatively, you can follow a coaching material to study Physics.
  • Don’t start solving problems before clearing your basics.
  • Process of solving MCQs in Physics – Always read the theory, then solve all the questions solved by your teacher in class, then solve MCQs from coaching modules, then solve any other book. Directly solving MCQs will not clear all your concepts.
  • Revise all the formulas with the case and conditions applied multiple times.
  • Be careful about the signs (-ve and +ve) and units while solving Physics problems.
  • Strictly avoid calculation mistakes.
  • Practice questions regularly (setting the time limit as an alarm). This will increase your speed of solving, analyzing power and make you fond of concepts and at some time the formulas as well.

JEE Chemistry Preparation at Home

Tips to prepare for JEE Chemistry at home.

  • Don’t start to memorize everything in Chemistry. Focus on understanding the fundamental concepts, then it will be easier to memorize other stuff.
  • Write all formulas and equations in your notes after completing a chapter.
  • Solve problems from NCERT, coaching material and previous years questions.
  • While practicing questions, make sure you understand each step of the problem and why it is necessary.
  • In Organic Chemistry, study all reaction mechanisms and remember all named reactions.
  • Make notes of each chapter.

JEE Math Preparation at Home

Tips to prepare for JEE Maths at home.

  • Practice, practice, practice, is the only key for Mathematics.
  • The more you study and practice Math, the more it develops your brain and increases your problem solving ability.
  • Give special attention to calculations and time management.
  • The concepts and formulas should be at your fingertips. Know every shortcut and formula possible.

IIT JEE Online Preparation at Home

Mystudycart is a team of IITians and JEE academic experts providing JEE online preparation at home. Book a free online demo session now.


IIT JEE online coaching


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IIT JEE Preparation at Home – Best Tips to Prepare for JEE Mains, Advanced was last modified: May 30th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.