How to Manage School and IIT JEE Preparation at the Same Time?

By | Last updated on July 6th, 2023

Managing school and JEE.

A question asked by many students while preparing for JEE – “How to handle school (college) and JEE preparation at the same time?” 

Managing school and JEE preparation can be a challenging task, but with proper planning and strategy, it’s definitely achievable. In this post, we will see how you can handle your school or college with JEE preparation effectively, whether you are taking coaching or doing self-study.

Managing School and JEE Preparation in Class 8, 9, 10

In class 8, 9, 10, you don’t need to focus too much other than your school syllabus. The key thing is – make sure you study to understand the concepts, not just for getting marks. It’s a practice that every JEE aspirant should adopt from a very young age.

For class 8, 9, 10, a foundation course for IIT JEE can be handy for students, where the objective is to create a strong foundation for IIT JEE along with the school exams preparation. A student can prepare for different Olympiads and exams like NTSE to develop competitive skills that will help in JEE preparation.

Managing School and JEE Coaching in Class 11

Managing school and JEE coaching in class 11 is very important. On one hand you will be studying as per the school (or college) curriculum, and at the same time you have to put ten times more effort for JEE preparation.

When joined a coaching for JEE (online or offline),

  • Don’t miss out on any class and give your full attention.
  • Make class notes and refer to them when studying at home.
  • Practice questions on the topics taught in the class.
  • Solve questions that are within the JEE syllabus. Don’t go deep into the topic as if you are doing research. The objective is to clear the JEE examination, do the research part later when you get admitted to IIT!

There has been a tendency of students to take class 11 lightly. You should never make this mistake. Save these words, “Class 11 is very important in JEE preparation”. Focus on every chapter and understand the concepts because in class 12 you will find use of most of the topics of class 11.

Related Post : IIT JEE Preparation in Class 11

Managing School and JEE Preparation in Class 12

With dedication, consistency, and proper time management, you can effectively manage both school studies and JEE preparation in class 12. Utilize your school hours in the best possible way. Study only those things which are required. Practice JEE MCQs whenever you have a free period or break. Don’t go for 100% attendance in school. Maintain minimum attendance which is required by your school and take leaves in-between.

Combined Preparation of School Board and JEE in Class 12

When you are preparing for JEE in class 12, the school board syllabus of Physics, Chemistry and Math is not difficult. Majority of your class 12 topics are covered in the JEE syllabus. Make proper notes and revise everything before your school exams. Solve sample papers before the final board exams.

Related Post : JEE Preparation in Class 12 and Managing Boards

Is it Possible to Crack JEE with School?

Yes, if you manage your time well, put your best effort, stay focused, avoid distractions, you can crack JEE with school. Majority of students who clear JEE have studied in regular schools.

Has anyone cracked JEE with school?

Yes, many students have cracked JEE with school. They have scored well in both JEE and school board exams. If you are an average student, you can crack JEE with proper guidance and mentoring.

Prepare for IIT JEE and School Board exams from the top faculty and IIT experts at your home in Mystudycart JEE online courses.


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( Image Source: ryantron via Flickr )


How to Manage School and IIT JEE Preparation at the Same Time? was last modified: July 6th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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