Does Quality of Students Entering IITs Declining? Are Coaching Institutes Responsible For This?

By | Last updated on April 8th, 2020

quality students iit coaching

IIT Professors have a problem with the type of students entering into IITs, and for that they blame the coaching institutes. According to them, the majority of students who are clearing IIT JEE are not talented, but well prepared.

No wonder IIT professors are not happy with this. One of the professor quoted, “These well prepared students face difficulty later when they study in IITs because they are not prepared for the real challenges. The objective was to clear the JEE exam. That’s it.”

It’s not just professors, some famous IITians also blame the coaching industry. Mr. Narayana Murthy, from time to time, said that coaching institutes are responsible for the decline of quality students in IITs.

Do IIT Professors Teach Better than Coaching Teachers?

Not all IIT professors are good teachers. Some of them are brilliant researchers but when it comes to handling a class of students, they lack the Midas touch.

As per a Study conducted by IIT-Kanpur, nearly 75% students said that their coaching faculty were better at teaching than the IIT-K professors.

“IITs are all about good resources. The utilization of these resources completely depend on us.” This is well said by Sunil Kumar from IIT-Guwahati in his post: From Disappointment to Enjoyment: Standard of Teaching in IIT

Isn’t it ironic that professors are worried more about the quality of students rather than the standard of teaching in IITs!

Some IIT Professors Have Different Opinion on Coaching

Yash Pal Singh, was a student of IIT Kharagpur, and a faculty member of its Electrical Engineering Department for 36 years. He says,

IIT faculty to blame coaching for a decline in the quality of IIT Graduates is without any basis. Those who devote 2 or 3 years of single-minded focused work towards the goal of getting into an IIT have at least one very desirable quality — single minded focus and a capacity of hard work for a goal set by them.

Bhaskar Ramamurthi, the Director of IIT Madras, on coaching,

Somebody who is very good but didn’t get coaching and didn’t know the strategy and didn’t know time management may lose out to somebody who does not have that spark. It could be a matter of a few marks.

The Students Know The Best

You ask students who are preparing for JEE or studying in IITs – What’s the importance of coaching in JEE?

Many of them would say – the teachers in coaching provided them the right guidance, preparation strategy, mentoring and feedback for the JEE . Whether coaching is good or bad, the students have to decide, not some IIT Professors or intellectuals!

Bottom line : Coaching helps. The students are doing great in IITs (best technical institutes in the country).

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Does Quality of Students Entering IITs Declining? Are Coaching Institutes Responsible For This? was last modified: April 8th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.