An App with Video Lectures and Solutions of 50 Years Papers to replace your IIT JEE Coaching!

By | Last updated on March 31st, 2020

App for IIT JEE Coaching!

To reduce the dependency on IIT JEE coaching, the HRD ministry along with the IIT governing body are planning to bring some digital solutions to students. Couple of these are,

1. An App as a Substitute to IIT JEE Coaching

What will be available in this app? Video lectures from IIT faculties and students.

And this will replace the IIT coaching. Really!

During the various myths in IIT JEE Preparation, I told you about some coaching providers selling video lectures as a promise to clear JEE. These videos are also from past IITians.

What difference will this JEE preparation app from the government make? Obviously, free of cost lectures for JEE! But is it enough?

We can appreciate the effort from the government but we can’t depend on this app to prepare us for an exam like IIT JEE. The end of the day, the thing that will help you in clearing IIT JEE is a combination of the classes you attend, your teachers, and the hard work you put in by yourself.

Update : My take on HRD ministry and IITs “Swayam Prabha” initiative i.e providing video lectures online and on TV : IIT JEE preparation from TV channels

2. Past 50 year IIT JEE Papers and Solution

As a JEE aspirant, do you really need to solve last 50 years papers to clear JEE Main and JEE advanced? Not at all.

The first thing to note is, IIT past year papers should be used as practice tests and that too after you have studied all the chapters, cleared all the concepts, from the JEE syllabus. It’s always best to practice unsolved papers, and after that, understand those questions from your teacher (in coaching) which you were not able to solve in the paper.

Also the syllabus of IIT JEE has changed significantly from year 2008/2009. It’s advisable to only stick to last 10-15 year papers. That would be more than enough.

Sunil Kumar from IIT Guwahati says this,

“If you are solving only 36 years IIT questions, It won’t help you if you don’t have concepts. Oops… Correction: Strong Concepts!”

Any app containing video lectures or solutions of IIT JEE 50 year question papers will not replace the value and benefits of a good coaching institute.

PS : I am not saying this because I work in the coaching industry (online mode), I am saying this as a person who speak to students everyday, listen to them, and try to solve their problems.


IIT JEE BITSAT Online Coaching


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An App with Video Lectures and Solutions of 50 Years Papers to replace your IIT JEE Coaching! was last modified: March 31st, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.