JEE / NEET Preparation from IIT-PAL Videos and TV Channels. Good or Bad?

By | Last updated on February 9th, 2022


You can prepare for IIT JEE and NEET through television. No this is not a joke. It’s an initiative by MHRD to reduce the impact of coaching for engineering and medical preparation.

The IIT-PAL app/ videos were supposed to be launched in August 2016, but were delayed due to lack of resources, like study material, notes and video lectures were not prepared in time.

IIT-Pal Videos and TV Channels Launched

Finally, The IIT-Pal videos and TV channels were launched on July 9, 2017 under the name “Swayam Prabha”. There are 4 channels under IIT-PAL for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The videos under these channels are recorded mainly by IIT Delhi Professors.

Channel 19: IIT PAL: Biology

Channel 20: IIT PAL: Chemistry

Channel 21: IIT PAL: Mathematics

Channel 22: IIT PAL: Physics 

Note : Currently, all the above channels have been merged into a single IIT-PAL channel for all the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Math and Biology.

Edit on 9th Feb 2022 : IIT Delhi has launched a new website for IIT-PAL video lectures.

Now let’s see some questions and concerns from students (JEE/ NEET aspirants).

Are IIT-PAL video lectures useful and sufficient for JEE/ NEET preparation?

Many of you have already joined IIT JEE or NEET online coaching for 1 year or 2 year courses. You are following a proper schedule each day – school, coaching, and self study. How are you going to benefit from IIT-PAL video lectures?

Taking time out from a daily JEE/ NEET preparation schedule is not recommended. For you, the IIT-PAL video lectures will not be much helpful and I would suggest you to avoid them for now.

For students who are not taking any coaching for JEE/ NEET

If you are not taking any coaching right now, you can definitely include IIT-PAL videos as an important resource in your preparation. You can identify which lectures are more clear and not boring.

What’s the quality of video lectures delivered by IIT-PAL?

The IIT-PAL videos lectures are prepared and presented by IIT professors. The question is – Are IIT professors better teachers than coaching teachers?

The answer is No. As per a study conducted by IIT-Kanpur campus newspaper, nearly 75% students said that their coaching faculty were better at teaching than the IIT-K professors.

Should you avoid coaching and prepare for JEE/ NEET via IIT-PAL videos only?

There is a risk here. The MHRD and IIT council may not be very confident about the quality of these video lectures. The Ministry of Social Justice has selected a group of coaching institutes to provide quality coaching to SC and OBC candidates. The ministry also decided to bear the entire expenditure.

If they were confident about the quality of video lectures on IIT-PAL, they could have referred the same to reserved category students, or might have provided the facility of watching these videos.

“All of IIT-PAL material, including lectures, answers to questions and live interactions, are only supplementary educational aides.” This is what’s written on the IIT-PAL website.

Hope you got your answer now.


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JEE / NEET Preparation from IIT-PAL Videos and TV Channels. Good or Bad? was last modified: February 9th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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